CSS finally adds vertical centering in 2024

Otter@lemmy.ca to Programming@programming.dev – 324 points –
CSS finally adds vertical centering in 2024 | Blog | build-your-own.org

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Oh wonderful! Another 10 years and we can use it natively without polyfills!

It's already supported by 96% 87% of browsers currently in use.

I think this is what you should be looking at, which is at 82%


How are those old chrome and safari versions still so prevailing? And what's up with Samsung Internet, is it not a chromium based browser?

How are those old chrome and safari versions still so prevailing?

People who kids/grandkids setup their computers possibly?

Doesn't stop your manager from requiring support for the other 4%.

Most websites these days refuse to support even Firefox.

Yeah, pretty much as Flex at 97% which is a nice comparison.

Edit: See mattd’s comment

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