What is the largest file transfer you have ever done?

data1701d (He/Him)@startrek.website to Linux@lemmy.ml – 215 points –

I'm writing a program that wraps around dd to try and warn you if you are doing anything stupid. I have thus been giving the man page a good read. While doing this, I noticed that dd supported all the way up to Quettabytes, a unit orders of magnitude larger than all the data on the entire internet.

This has caused me to wonder what the largest storage operation you guys have done. I've taken a couple images of hard drives that were a single terabyte large, but I was wondering if the sysadmins among you have had to do something with e.g a giant RAID 10 array.


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4G?! That strikes fear into my heart!

The alternative was 5mbit/s VSAT. 4G was a luxury at that time.

At the rates I'm paying for 4G data, there are very few places in the world where it wouldn't be cheaper for me to get on a plane and sneakernet that much data