Trump Warns That if Kamala Harris Wins, ‘Everybody Gets Health Care’ to politics – 1100 points –

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And yet people will fall for it. I swear they are beyond help. I listened to some of the boring travesty that is his latest press conference and - besides his notably low energy - it seems the lies are just getting bigger and more absurd. It boggles the mind that a huge chunk of the American people will listen to that drivel and nod and mutter "yeah sounds right".

All this just reinforces how much of a cult MAGA is. He could say some outrageous shit like he was going to sacrifice his followers first born when he gets in office and I swear 95% of them would be like “oh cool”.

The whole thing is wild. I grew up in a Christian family… which republicans claim to be. If I did a tenth of what this dickhead does I’d get disowned so fast. His whole base thinks his shit don’t stink.

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