Women's accessories sold by Shein, Temu and AliExpress contained toxic substances sometimes hundreds of times above acceptable levels, authorities in South Korea found

alphacyberranger@sh.itjust.works to World News@lemmy.world – 514 points –
Multiple Shein and Temu products contain toxic chemicals, authorities find | Business

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Amazon at this point is just Aliexpress with better shipping. I seriously have made it a point to just find what I want on amazon then find it for 1/2 price on aliexpress.

You buy something from Amazon and it's just a company dropshipping you the product they bought from AliExpress

Amazon for me is just a search engine. A shit one at that, because the actual search function sucks. I have to search for a product related to what I want and then keep clicking on "products you might want". And after finding what I want just go to the manufacturer's website and buy it for 10€ less.