Aniki 🌱🌿

@Aniki 🌱🌿
0 Post – 52 Comments
Joined 1 months ago

🌱🌿 Use Linux. Ride bikes. Eat plants. 🌱🌿 ALL RIGHTS ARE WON THROUGH VIOLENCE!

The whole segment is both infuriating and posted in full on youtube.

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Tell the class how many crayons you had in your mouth when you typed all that out.

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I enjoy the exercise of trying to think ahead of the words coming out of my mouth so I can speak more concisely and clearly. It's the same reason I do calligraphy.

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The tribe would have beat cunts like him senseless. We still should.

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He looks exactly like someone I would think have sold their soul to the devil.

you have me confused for someone who gives a flying fuck what you think.

3% of crimes are prosecuted.


Wait it's actually 2%

another story about a bunch of blowhards on twitter doing absolutely nothing

Conspiracy to start a riot.

The problem is that the tribe is now global assholes connected digitally instead of people connected by distance.

That's fake money. Rockefellers and Rothschilds have real money. As in capital and assets.

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No calligraphy is for writing slowly and deliberately. It has helped me immeasurably

The truth isn't left

Anyone have a video link that doesn't go to that shithole twitter?

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Civil trial, folks. Not even criminal.....

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Alt headline: Crusty old worthless white dude justifies himself to other crusty worthless white dudes.

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I'm so torn on watching or just wait till the postmortem highlights. There's so many cons about watching live -- listening to the whole pointless charade, having to spend an extra amount of time thinking about Trump, and being bombarded by commercials... I fucking hate broadcast TV.

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Amazon at this point is just Aliexpress with better shipping. I seriously have made it a point to just find what I want on amazon then find it for 1/2 price on aliexpress.

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holy shit Pee Wee German is an incredible nickname for that fascist scumbag.

Anyone who refuses to change for any reason.

I am absolutely sure that the courts will both annihilate the little people while simultaneously letting the cops completely off the hook.

potato pOtAtO

We tried that and they put 3 supreme court justices on the court. Fuck that bullshit. Use. Everything. To. Survive.

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Most websites are not equipped to handle the crush of the k-pop stans. I've been on the receiving end of one professionally and it took down our entire environment before we ever had a chance to tell Cloudflare to buckle the fuck up.

Hello, Officer!

Do y'all not eat vegetables too?

Festivals fucking suck now that they hit the mainstream zeitgeist. Everyone wants to be tomorrow world without doing any of the hard work.

We just build from scratch and pull nothing

Does CSPAN stream online? Neither me nor my girlfriend have cable TV packages, just internet.

So you vote for the more competent Republican

Mate I vote for the most batshit lunatics

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The only time I allowed that cunt to enter my earholes I spent the entire time counting the complete sentences since they were so few and far between. Still only lasted about 5 minutes before I decided that literally anything else would be a better use of my time, including staring at the same screen only powered off.

You should have that printed on a tshirt in as many irritating typefaces as possible.

I'm voting by mail as soon as the ballot comes and then I'll spend election day in the mountains far from service.

Not to his step daughter/baby mama

Do you want to be steamrolled by morons or do you want to play meme games better than them so they hide and cower? Pretty easy if you ask me.

Why read when I can bloviate in the comments section about something I have no expertise in?? - op, probably

Well electric coils are slow as fuck to heat up and cool down... That time makes them a huge PIA to cook with. Gas and induction are instantaneous.

Most jetbrains IDEs also support container management

I am dying to try cooking on an induction with my favorite iron pans to see how much I like it vs. the gas I have now. I know if/when this thing dies, it will absolutely be replaced with an electric induction with a convection oven. [That almost rhymes..]

Best we can do is..... Fuck all