ISP to Supreme Court: We shouldn’t have to disconnect users accused of piracy to – 1141 points –
ISP to Supreme Court: We shouldn’t have to disconnect users accused of piracy

It feels dirty to agree with an ISP on something. But even the worst corporations are on the right side of something from time to time I suppose.


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Or Nestle asked your water utility to disconnect your service because you're drinking free water instead of purchasing theirs. Not a direct correlation but closer.

Free water? Where do you live? Here I have to pay for that. 🤣

I mean, municipal water most places isn't free, but for drinking water it's effectively free.

Well water is a thing

I've had those things before. But there is maintenance and power to factor in; so not entirely free.

Power yea maintenance not really been running the same pump for my house for almost 2 decades now

I was just being sarcastic. I am WELL aware that wells exist. Also my city water isn’t really all that expensive. Certainly much cheaper than buying bottled water on the daily.