How come it seems for the past decades the Catholic Church has been plagued with sex crimes especially among young boys? How long has this been going on? Or did I just miss something up. to No Stupid – 195 points –

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Pretty sure there isn't a single Catholic among them that would tell you such actions weren't sinning...

Totally. You think they parade around at NAMBLA marches or something?

They would if they were honest.

But don't worry. Catholics don't have a monopoly on child abuse. Evangelical youth pastors are gunning for the crown. (They'll never get close. But they're trying)

It surprises me how often that point is lost... that said, of all people, you'd hope a priest would know better :(

Who cares if it's a sin if you can confess and wipe the state clean or get an indulgence beforehand. And everybody sins, so don't cast the first stone, etc etc. They'll come up with some way to excuse, sweep under the rug, whatever.