Any “small-web” search engines? to – 224 points –

I use Duckduckgo, but I realised these big(ish) search engines give me all the commercialised results. Duckduckgo has been going down the slope for years, but not at such a rate as Google or Bing has.

I want to have a search engine that gives me all the small blogs and personal sites.

Does something like this exist?


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We'd love to build a distributed search engine, but it would be too slow I think. When you send us a query we go and search 8 billion+ pages, and bring back the top 10, 20....up to 1,000 results. For a good service we need to do that in 200ms, and thus one needs to centralise the index. It took years, several iterations and our carefully designed algos & architecture to make something so fast. No doubt Google, Bing, Yandex & Baidu went through similar hoops. Maybe, I'm wrong and/or someone can make it work with our API.

I think 200ms is an expectation of big tech. I know people have very little patience these days, but if you provided better quality searches in 5 seconds people would probably prefer that over a .2 second response of the crap we’re currently getting from the big guys. Even better if you can make the wait a little fun with some animations, public domain art, or quotes to read while waiting.

if you provided better quality searches in 5 seconds people would probably prefer that over a .2 second response of the crap we're currently getting from the big guys

This is precisely what made me switch to ChatGPT as my primary "search engine". Even DDG is fucking useless these days if you need anything more complex than a list of popular sites that contain a couple of keywords.