Gay man says he was assaulted by Shake Shack employees after kissing his boyfriend at D.C. locationlocked to – 414 points –
Gay man says he was assaulted by Shake Shack employees after kissing his boyfriend at D.C. location

Christian Dingus, 28, was with his partner when, he says, employees told the couple not to kiss inside, and the argument escalated outside.

A gay man accused a group of Washington, D.C., Shake Shack employees of beating him after he kissed his boyfriend inside the location while waiting for their order.

Christian Dingus, 28, was with his partner and a group of friends at a Dupont Circle location Saturday night when the incident occurred, he told NBC News. They had put in their order and were hanging around waiting for their food.

“And while we were back there — kind of briefly — we began to kiss,” Dingus said. “And at that point, a worker came out to us and said that, you know, you can’t be doing that here, can’t do that type of stuff here.”

The couple separated, Dingus said, but his partner got upset at the employee and insisted the men had done nothing wrong. Dingus’ partner was then allegedly escorted out of the restaurant, where a heated verbal argument occurred.


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I don't care if they were fucking the burgers and shakes, the employees can ask them to leave if they're violating the business' code of conduct, and after that they can call the police if they're trespassing.

The customer can sue the shit out of them after the fact if it was discriminatory, and in D.C. that would be a slam dunk if they were just kissing.

Once the employees decided to resort to violence, they fucked up, regardless of what the customers were doing.

Either way, you weren't there, and homophobes blow up about pretty mundane things all the time, so maybe just take the gay men at their word instead of accusing them of inappropriate behavior and revealing yourself to be a homophobe yourself.

I read his words. It was his words that made me doubt. He and his partner were the victims here, for sure. But that doesn't mean that they are being honest about the preamble to the altercation. But if not fully believing a person about every single detail of their story, if not taking every single assumption that they made as gospel makes me homophobe because they happen to be gay, sure. Whatever.

But that doesn’t mean that they are being honest about the preamble to the altercation.

YOU, again, are the only one implying this, without evidence. And you're clearly doing it to excuse the bigotry and violence they faced.

I didn't say I had evidence. I said I got a feeling from the way he phrased his story. I also said I might be wrong.

I said I got a feeling from the way he phrased his story.

"From the way you phrase your posts, I guess you might have disturbing images on your hard drive. I might be wrong."

Would you take offence if I said that? If yes, then think about what you're doing.

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yet, oddly, you keep asserting - without evidence - that the victims are liars and the bigotry and violence they received was justified.

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