How do you make someone understand that being drafted by force and ordered to invade another country is not a good thing? to – 123 points –

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The possible benefits of something unethical doesn't justify doing it.

I'd hold a lesser of two evils justify it. The government already dictates what you need to do. Is it the commanded act of killing people that you think takes it too far?

a lesser of two evils justufies it

Again, no it doesnt.

the government already dictates what you need to do

what? no?

is the command act of killing people that you think takes it too far?

any forced labor takes it too far.

They force jury duty, taxes, traffic laws, and sometimes public service or jail time. Those are all forced labor.

The difference is that the need for a jury of your peers is in the constitution.

Traffic laws are not forced labor. Nor is jail time, that's a punishment.

I'm starting to think you have no idea what you're talking about.

They dictate what you do and don't do. Taxes take a portion of your time as well since you need to work longer. I didn't see how it's categorically different. Just a difference of extent.

Yes and that extent is an issue, especially when it goes over the line of what's allowed in the constitution.

So if a country wrote conscription into their constitution it'd be fine?

No that's one of two ways its bad

So than what makes conscription too far? Would non military mandatory government service be permissible? How long would that duration need to be in order to be unacceptable?

No that would not be acceptable either. There's a massive difference between jury duty and military service. Theres frequency/amount, and the basic fact that jury duty is a domestic thing.