Biden at the Democratic convention was unrecognisable from his disastrous debate to politics – 406 points –
Biden at the Democratic convention was unrecognisable from his disastrous debate

Biden’s voice was strong and clear, and the crowd was far warmer to him as an outgoing president


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Bruh. If your only standard is "not as bad as republicans are right now"...

And republicans constantly get worse...

Dont you understand how trying our standards to them results in everyone's standards nosediving and the country burning in the wreckage?

When you measure the two against eachother, I’d think you might start actually giving a fuck

Start thinking more than 2 weeks ahead, and you might be surprised that you agree we should have higher standards than not trump.

So, holding people to actual standards is a bad thing because Republicans are a lost cause? Is that what you're really saying?

No, I think he's arguing for the exact opposite. Just because Republicans are terrible doesn't mean Democrats are immune to criticism (not that you'd know it from this thread, apparently saying Biden is too old to hold office is the worst thing ever).

No, I think he’s arguing for the exact opposite

Oh, he knows.

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