My first website to – 231 points –

Hello, This is my first website and I want some feedback from you guys. It's very basic and I haven't added much. just wanted to host something so I threw invidious and whoogle instance there. My ISP doesn't provide a static IP so I had to host it on tor :( what else do you think I should host there? server spec: 15 year old computer with i3 first gen cpu.

Edit: Here is the URL if you want to visit the website: ot6ewcgzioleglf2jp2iofludol3hw5gcaycaj7n5tolf6wcu7ofbzid.onion


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What do you use to auto update ddns?

The auto update client, it's halfway down this page on how to automatically update your hostname/IP.

Gotcha. I've got my router doing auto update - initiatally I thought you were referring to an auto update tool for the renewal you have to do every month with the free ddns that makes you do a captcha. I should probably just pay for the next tier up tbh