Local server can't be seen on Android or iOS, but can on any Linux device

shamrockpreacher5@reddthat.com to Selfhosted@lemmy.world – 44 points –


So I have a small local server running a website. It's not public facing at all, has a static IP address on my WiFi LAN and can be accessed by any Linux machine. I can't see it on any iPhone or Android device though

I've looked up tutorials on line, ensured my firewalls allow local sharing on the WiFi, double checked I can even ping the server successfully with nmap on Android

Any tips?

::edit:: typo in post, not when searching for IP on LAN


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Is there a setting for this? Yeah, I assume it's some default setting I missed

(I'm seeing this issue on any Android distro, I've tried a few)

It's listed as a privacy option on my pixel. It may be different for others but you could try searching the settings for "vpn" or "privacy."