1 Post – 17 Comments
Joined 1 months ago

What system is this? Miyoo?

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Thank you

Any good debugging tools for android here or should I just rely on Linux networking tools through installed shells? Is there an industry standard for Android as a client?

No mobile network

Thanks for the insightful comment


No tcpdump isn't seeing the request... Thanks for the suggestion

Your comments were good and kind. Debugging even obvious things is good since computer science is literal magic electrified rocks and keeping every step in our heads is impossible

Yeah don't worry about the downvotes

Fuck this human

Tldr; Asshole used encrypted everything and Tor to create and spread csam. Government isn't disclosing how they caught him

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Hmm not seeing it on GrapheneOS

Interesting, thanks for the info

Yeah same netmask of

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Is there a setting for this? Yeah, I assume it's some default setting I missed

(I'm seeing this issue on any Android distro, I've tried a few)

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That makes sense, I'll have to check the path. Thanks for lending your thoughts on this

Yeah everything (server, Linux clients, Android clients, other clients) is on the same WiFi network which is why this is extra frustrating since Linux just works like usual

But if I can see the server on the same WiFi network from any Linux machine wouldn't that ensure all those steps are OK?

True. Or it could have been a backdoor in his phone, or the full running browser in his sim card, or the backdoor into his CPU chips... Maybe they do old fashioned police work for these cases and only use the pegasus spyware for others?

Pretty silly to do anything illegal on a computer when we know how flawed they are, imo

nmap -Pn

At least it shows the server is up from the client's perspective (other clients can actively see the same IP and server on port)

Same WiFi subnet

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