YouTube is Losing The War Against Adblockers to – 1170 points –
  • YouTube is intensifying efforts to combat adblockers, including blocking video playback and warning users of potential account suspension.
  • Increased ads on YouTube have driven many users to adblockers, hurting both YouTube’s ad revenue and content creators reliant on ad-based income.
  • Despite these measures, many users are leaving YouTube or finding workarounds, leading creators to seek alternative revenue streams off-platform.

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Premium doesn't have downvote count and sponsor skip.

The pirated version of youtube is better than the paid one.

Google should spend time improving their service instead of being assholes.

Dislikes is why I left anyway! XD

I even left ads on for nearly a year until a particularly metally hazardous on pushed me to turn them off, and I haven't gone back since. On the occasion I use YT outside my ecosystem, it suddenly feels so much worse.