Mother arrested in Texas after baby dies in hot car to – 300 points –
Mother arrested in Texas after baby dies in hot car

A Texas mother was taken into custody Tuesday after police alleged her 22-month-old child died when she left the infant in a car outside a Corpus Christi school on one of the hottest days of the year.

The mother, 33-year-old Hilda Ann Adame, was jailed on charges of causing serious bodily injury to a child and child endangerment/abandonment with imminent bodily injury, according to a Corpus Christi Police Department incident report.

It was not clear how long the infant had been in the car before the baby was found unresponsive, according to the incident report.


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In a place like Texas, it is equivalent to saying "if they just used the teleporter this wouldn't have happened".

It essentially shifts discussion off the matter at hand, into abstract, unsolvable issues.

Before you jump on "unsolvable": I mean this mother, this particular family, has no immediate option to take another course, and not use cars.

SOCIETY should move to a less car dependant future. THIS FAMILY has no power to enact that. Saying "just move" is a statement of privilege.

Sure. But that’s not my point. I just see another reason why the US should really think about there way of transport and see it as what it is: (pretty much) the most deadly form of transit possible.

The societal indictment is exactly how I read it. Why would people take it the worst possible way?

It's not about taking it a certain way.

Its not contextually relevant to the situation of the article.

It's not conversationally interesting because it's practically a platitude.

Its not contextually relevant to the situation of the article.


The "situation" in the article is about one family. Not society. So the comments about infrastructure and car reliance are out of band.

You don't get to declare a related topic as out of bounds like that.


It makes no sense to bring a global issue to a micro scale one.

Else, I wish we lived in a post scarcity utopia where benevolent robot nannies watched the children while adults just live in bliss and never need to go anywhere.

How is that relevant?

Take your topic policing elsewhere, please.

Har har. Meta discussion was requested, and I provided. Edit you didn't understand the downvotes, and I clarified. You continue to not like it, or get it, and that's that.

In a thread such as this meta analysis of the relevance or value of a top level comment is completely appropriate.

It's quite common on Lemmy to jump to globals, and it's really just a shortcut to shallow platitudes.

This all presumes your arrogant take is correct. But please, continue your lonely war against platitudes by using platitudes. I just won't see it.

In the small world of this thread, the votes are conclusive.