Indigenous creators are clashing with YouTube’s and Instagram’s sensitive content bans. to – 266 points –
Indigenous creators are clashing with YouTube’s and Instagram’s sensitive content bans

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The topic is "Indigenous Brazilian Content creators" not being allowed to post non sexual nudity on American owned platforms. It is not what the EU is doing with human rights.

Do try to keep up. This is the second time you have used my comment to soap box off topic non sense, and the second time I am calling you out for it.

Bull fucking shit. Your argument was that corporate "rights" trump human rights, and I went and showed you that other cultures disagree with you on that. Stop turning everything into a debate.

Bull fucking shit. Your argument was that corporate “rights” trump human rights, and I went and showed you that other cultures disagree with you on that. Stop turning everything into a debate.

Not at all what I said, and I am in no way arguing with you because you have no point to make relevant to the topic.

The content creators freedom to express directly opposes the hosts freedom of affiliation. Not that I want to defend either company but they do have the right to say what is and is not allowed in their spaces using the same idea of “fundamental human rights”.

It is either that or we have to agree that “fundamental human rights” cannot exist because one groups rights can override the other on social whim.

Every other creator on the planet has to abide by these rules if they want to remain on these platforms and every creator has an option not to use them.

Here is what I said. You should learn to read before you try to write.

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