‘Hitting kids should never be allowed’: Illinois bans corporal punishment in all schools

gAlienLifeform@lemmy.world to News@lemmy.world – 766 points –
‘Hitting kids should never be allowed’: Illinois bans corporal punishment in all schools

Legislation that Gov. JB Pritzker signed into law this month bans physical punishment in private schools while reiterating a prohibition on the practice in public schools implemented 30 years ago.

Archived at https://web.archive.org/web/20240822113447/https://apnews.com/article/schools-corporal-punishment-paddling-discipline-54591cd8826079a2a6c22e083612abd9


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I was threatened with spanking once in the 9th grade.

I told the principal that it would take more than him to do it. He called my dad. Dad laughed in his face and told him to try me on. Then hung up.

I ended up with a week of ISS.

INB4: I know this sounds like a greentext. I've been telling this story for 20 fkin years.

Ahhh ISS. The truest of punishments. We had to help the janitors as part of ISS. Good luck catching up on missed schoolwork at home despite being in school all day, all while watching your friends have fun while you empty the next trash can.