
1 Post – 137 Comments
Joined 1 months ago

Most normal police shooting this week.

This is literally why they exist. They're the enforcement arm of Capital.

Something something 3rd charms time something something.

Didn't he himself get one high-speed rail initiative derailed so he could pimp his techbro version of a subway for his asshole customers?


Youtube is a wonderful thing. It's a wealth of knowledge and resources unlike anything this world has ever seen.

And it's ran by one of the worst, most predatory corps on the planet.

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That's fair. If I had kids I'd want them to do this to keep collecting the social security I'll never collect.

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Alright kids.

There's this wonderful thing called "Jury Nullification"

That means if 1 juror refuses to convict then there is no conviction.

It is your privilege, right, and I daresay even duty to use this helpful tool when you deem it necessary. If you're called for Jury Duty on a case. Let's say non violent drug case. I don't believe nonviolent drug offenses should be against the law at all except in the case of something really bad like Fentanyl. So if I was called I would refuse to convict if the defendant was there for let's say Mary Jane.

But don't ever say those words. Don't allude to it. Don't discuss it with your fellow jurors. Don't Google it after you've been called. It's your secret. But it's a secret everyone should know if you get my meaning.

Now go forth and make the world a better place.

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He should have resigned in the last year of his presidency. Had Pence pardon him. Then attended functions for the rest of his life as a "dignified former president"

But nah. He bought his own hype. Now he has to win or he dies in prison. And it's every bit his own damn fault. Fully self inflicted.

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He's like 900 years old. Anything more complicated than Twitter gives him a seizure. Lmao.

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2 evil companies who get off on huffing their own facts.

Let them fight.

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Hey, remember that terrible thing everyone said would happen?

It's happening.

So you're saying there will soon be a scene dedicated to cracking Peloton software.

Cuz that's what I'm hearing.

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Cope and seethe.

That tracks.

Their favorite activity is blowing up Civilian infrastructure.


Not just 1. His next 5 campaign stops are all in places with large Klan concentrations. Including the worldwide capital of the KKK.

Just corporate real estate.

That's literally it. The whole reason.

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They have nothing real to run on. They never do. But idiots will work themselves into a lather over shit that doesn't happen like this.

All they have is engineered outrage and grievance politics. And the chuds will eat it up.

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Uh huh. Sure.

They're gonna make soooooo much cult money from this.

I reinstalled BG3 just because I heard about mods coming to console.

I bought it at launch. Played it until my saves deleted themselves right at the start of Act 3. I was broken. It was such a slog for me to get that far. I had to Claw for every inch of progress.

With mods tho. I can cheat. And boy I love cheating. I grew up with Action Replay, GameShark, Game Genie, etc. I've missed them terribly.

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I don't know who Charli is. But Kid Rock is contributing about 1% to that number. If he's contributing at all.

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I hope spez takes a long trip on a leaky boat.

I was threatened with spanking once in the 9th grade.

I told the principal that it would take more than him to do it. He called my dad. Dad laughed in his face and told him to try me on. Then hung up.

I ended up with a week of ISS.

INB4: I know this sounds like a greentext. I've been telling this story for 20 fkin years.

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Fuckin monsters.


If Biden does the right thing Trump gains a new megaphone. BIDEN ABANDONED ISRAEL, Yada Yada Yada.

By their current cold calculus the momentum Trump could gain isn't outweighed by what Harris stands to gain from it.

It's evil. But that's how they think. The dead are just numbers to them.

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With cratering revenue across the board, teslas arent selling, advertisers running for the hills, and govts threatening to cut off whole comtinents over this moron.

At what point does it become cost effective to replace the idiot?

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Damn. Might be time to pick up a used one.

Thanks for the heads up.

Good. Let the monster eat itself.

Well that makes it official. He's lied and conned and fucked over so many people that he's finally reached the bottom of the barrel. He's out of options.

You respond to nazis with fists, elbows, knees, knives, guns, large blunt objects, and mockery.

But never with compliance. Never.

What was wrong with the Control Panel?

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Federal money like this needs to be earmarked. Tracked. So that it's used only to benefit the business. Not just disappear into the shareholders greedy pockets and CEO bonuses.

Based. Now release it all.

Fk the slave catchers.

Also it'll be really funny.

This has the potential to be the funniest thing...

No shit.

Hey guys I'm gonna turn all your public parka into golf courses and pickleball courts.

Genius right?

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His cult would crawl thru broken glass for him. But nobody else will. There aren't enough idiots left to recruit that would make any meaningful difference.

Like everything else in this country.

The Cruelty is the Point

They have no intentions of bringing about any kind of peace. Not even short term.

Other than of course, letting the genocide be completed.

They have several avenues to doing so. Legally and morally sound. They could shut it down today. But they won't.

They have the Leahy Law. Prohibiting the transfer of arms to any country credibly accused of human rights violations. The ICJ has already proven that much. And there is popular support by a wide margin not just at home but around the world to end this. It's the easiest win of all time. But ending it doesn't serve US Imperial Aims in the region. They want Netanyahoos "Greater Israel" to use as a base of operations to project force over the whole middle east. Once that is accomplished Iran will be invaded.

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Games are about fun. As long as you're having fun then where's the harm?

I don't play online games much. And I've never even tried to cheat when I did. I know the difference.

But if it's a single player game and I'm having trouble? Hell yeah I'll cheat. Proudly.

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