Son put mother’s body in freezer to keep collecting pension

lemme to Not The – 202 points –
Son put mother’s body in freezer to keep collecting pension

An Italian man has said he kept his dead mother’s remains in a freezer to cover up her death and continue to collect her pension.

Sandro Mallus told police he put the body of Rosanna Pilloni, 78, in the family’s chest freezer after she passed away at home in the small town of Sarroch, near Cagliari in Sardinia, in January last year.

He made the admission after police began investigating concerns from neighbours that the woman hadn’t been seen for months.

According to local media, Mr Mallus continued shopping as if he was buying for two people, maintaining the pretence that his mother was alive.

Police are due to carry out a post mortem examination on Monday and have not ruled out the possibility Pilloni was killed, something Mr Mallus denies.

“My mother died of natural causes,’’ Mr Mallus told the newspaper, L’Unione Sarda. “I would never have harmed her.

“When I discovered her body I was desperate. I had no money for the funeral, so I locked her in there.”


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That's fair. If I had kids I'd want them to do this to keep collecting the social security I'll never collect.

We've been poor my whole life, and my mom is disabled. Our income consists of her disability and my paycheck, that I get from the state for being her caregiver. While I could never do this, she has literally asked me to do this out of concern for me should anything happen

What a ball grab my dude... What is the plan ?

I'm half way through a bachelor's at 33, and we're working on applying for a home loan through the USDA. But honestly, I can't really bear to think about it. She's my life. I don't know that I'll make it through that.