What's a phrase you hear a lot, but disagree with?

SLVRDRGN@lemmy.world to Ask Lemmy@lemmy.world – 314 points –

One that comes to mind for me: "Whatever doesn't kill you makes you stronger" is not always true. Maybe even only half the time! Are there any phrases you tend to hear and shake your head at?


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I hate how "well life is just not fair" shuts down so many very much needed discussions.

That being said, I say that a lot, especially to myself whenever someone, again, including myself, is being intolerable brat who thinks they deserve fairness. No, that's not how world works.

Funny thing is that those kind of people tend to not care about other people's struggle or fairness.

is being intolerable brat who thinks they deserve fairness

Why do you think anyone does not deserve to be treated fairly?

I believe treating people fairly, obviously.

But you'll have hard times that don't seem so fair; car accident, illness.. What I meant by people not deserving fairness is for that kind of things