A symbol for the fediverse ⁂

pnutzh4x0r@lemmy.ndlug.org to Fediverse@lemmy.world – 255 points –
A symbol for the fediverse ⁂

We propose the symbol ⁂ to represent the fediverse.


⁂ is called an asterism. In astronomy, it refers to groups of stars in the sky, akin to constellations. We suggest that it’s a very fitting symbol for the fediverse, a galaxy of interconnected spaces which is decentralised and has an astronomically-themed name. It represents several stars coming together, connecting but each their own, without a centre.


@ is the symbol for e-mail. # is the symbol for hashtags. ☮ is the symbol for peace. ♻ is the symbol for recycling. ⁂ can be the symbol for the fediverse. ⁂ is standardised as Unicode U+2042, making it ready to copy and insert anywhere.

Git Repository: fediverse-symbol/fediverse-symbol


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is said in webpage: the pentagram symbol is hard to distinguish at smaller typographicl sizes

I'm reading this thread on mobile, and the fediverse logo next to the community name is much easier to see than the three stars. If I didn't already know what the three stars were from the rest of the post, I wouldn't have a clue what they were supposed to be in the body. They look like a blurry capital A.

Obviously the fediverse logo is bigger there, which helps, but it's not significantly bigger, and would still be clearer at a smaller size

Don't typograh so small

1 thats not how typography works

2 im not webpage authour what u wan me to do about it moew?