If someone pulled a prank on you while you were away for a while, and took your refrigerator door and swapped the hinges and door handle sides, would you even notice?
Would you be confused? Would you be mad? Would you even care?
LOL, I'd never do this, but it seems harmless silly enough...
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Yeah, this sounds like a good prank: it messes with their muscle memory, but it's otherwise harmless
Assuming they did it properly and the seal is still good. It may also void a warranty.
If a fridge is capable of changing what side it opens on, changing it won't void the warranty.
A lot of fridges are made to go both ways. You have to attach the handle and the hinge when you get it. A lot of fridges will have two plugs on the other side to cover the unused bolt holes
In that case, it sounds more tolerable. Also, username does check out? :-P