Georgia goes ‘North Korea’ with bombshell plan to ban main opposition parties to World – 297 points –
Georgia goes ‘North Korea’ with bombshell plan to ban main opposition parties

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Y'know, I'm pretty sure it's a big red flag if anyone or anything is "going North Korea".

I don't think that I'd call this "North Korea". China isn't even North Korea, and China's a one party state that outright prohibits parties from existing that oppose the ruling party.

There's a spectrum of political repression, and North Korea is pretty far down it.

I take your point, but I wouldn't categorise NK as being pretty far down the road in terms of political repression.

Try and oppose the Kim's and see how long you continue breathing.

Don't they also arrest your close circle and put them in an internment camp? You know to make sure your ideas did not leak out.

looks confused

I wasn't saying that North Korea is less politically-repressive than China.

To be fair, you introduced China into the subject, not us.

I agree, tho. Both are repressive, so is Saudi Arabia, Myanmar and a whole bunch of others.