Georgia goes ‘North Korea’ with bombshell plan to ban main opposition parties to World – 297 points –
Georgia goes ‘North Korea’ with bombshell plan to ban main opposition parties

Holy shit; I thought at first that this was about the US state

And nothing about that seemed all that out of place 😕

Seems like their actual name is translated as Sakartvelo, we should use that. And when the state of Georgia is in a headline it should be "The US state of Georgia."

I would not be at all surprised if GA tried to ban Democrats in general. And SCROTUS would sit on their butts until after the election to take it up

Why bother with opposition parties when your country is a Russian vassal state?

I always thought of Georgia as a country that hates Russia, given the whole Abkhazia and South Ossetia thing

Russia invaded Georgia in 2008. That success likely had a role in why they continued with Ukraine in 2014.

Politics are complicated, especially in post-Soviet bloc countries e.g. the lingering effects of Russification. But anytime a ruling party is looking to dissolve all opposition parties, and label them as criminals, it's because they feel threatened in some way.

This is likely what’s going to happen with Taiwan and China eventually.

China will never rule Taiwan, they’re not gonna start a war with all their trading partners over an island. It’s a nationalist rallying cry, nothing more.

Unless Trump wins.

Then, it's open season for dictators all over the world.

China plans to conquer Taiwan from the inside via clandestine elected officials who will pass laws to lower the walls for China to politically "invade"

Unfortunately from the last elections (the pro Beijing KMT party sneakily taking majority), it's already working..before the citizens realize it, Taiwan will share the some authoritarian shithole regime appointed by the CCP and any talk that is not about the glory of China or unification will be a "separatist" 'national security threat"

Remember Hong Kong

Exactly. China doesn’t need to start a war to take Taiwan. Win an election one time, then aggressively change the rules to keep your party in power permanently.

They already have parliament majority. Now they just need to unseat Lai with their own zealot as president and Taiwan is fucked. Not a single army boot will step foot in either (not until they have control anyway)

What does this influence look like? Is it like the interference in elections elsewhere? Do they fund politicians like in the Philippines or Hungary or is it more like social media campaigns? What else should we be aware of?

You've got it reversed, the u.s. isn't going to war with a super power over a country most people can't point to on a map. It's even a question how far sanctions would go if they invaded, if you look at the Russian example the sanctions are pretty half ass and Russian petroleum is still flowing to the west, maybe less but they're still taking in money and there economy is doing way better then before the invasion. For all the talk westerners aren't willing to go cold in the winter or pay more at the pump for Ukraine.

That's for a country with a way smaller role in the global supply chain, fuck dying for Taiwan the real question is whether Americans could give up their cheap consumerist bullshit for Taiwan. China knows this too, it's just whether they want to act on it and make themselves a pariah state.

It's doubtful that their economy is doing better. GDP, in the middle of a failing (or costly) war, is a pretty bad metric. It doesn't matter if you produce more value inside the country if all of it (and more) is destroyed at the front.

I honestly couldn't tell at first if this was about the country called Georgia or the American state called Georgia. It could honestly apply to both.

I hope the people of the nation of Georgia are able to overcome Putlers influence.

Thanks to laws passed by Trump allies in the state Legislature, Raffensperger has been removed from the election board. Other members were removed as well, eventually handing control of the board to a three-member MAGA majority that is dedicated not to free and fair elections but to elections that Trump can win. Trump himself, at a recent rally in Georgia, celebrated those three members, by name, as his “pitbulls” for victory.

Y'know, I'm pretty sure it's a big red flag if anyone or anything is "going North Korea".

I don't think that I'd call this "North Korea". China isn't even North Korea, and China's a one party state that outright prohibits parties from existing that oppose the ruling party.

There's a spectrum of political repression, and North Korea is pretty far down it.

I take your point, but I wouldn't categorise NK as being pretty far down the road in terms of political repression.

Try and oppose the Kim's and see how long you continue breathing.

Don't they also arrest your close circle and put them in an internment camp? You know to make sure your ideas did not leak out.

looks confused

I wasn't saying that North Korea is less politically-repressive than China.

To be fair, you introduced China into the subject, not us.

I agree, tho. Both are repressive, so is Saudi Arabia, Myanmar and a whole bunch of others.

I hate this, always wanted to visit Georgia, seems like a gorgeous country.

And their people seem super friendly. Every Georgian I've came across online have been extremely nice.

Trump said it best, "Why even have elections?".

Hey, the best way to win is to ban the competition… says Russia, China, North Korea, heck even Cuba.

Now this is giving me splinter cell vibes. I hope the CIA is not missing any agents in the area.