
1 Post – 243 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

That's disgusting! Where do those criminals gather, so I could go an express my utter disappointment to them directly?

Esperanto's equivalent would probably be Haskell.

Python is probably more like Spanish. Very easy basics, but then people from different regions of where it's has spread out barely understand each other

Turns out those are MRI machines, but they're at their regular price of 2mil per piece. 15 MRI machines is a lot. There are many hospitals even in the developed countries that can afford exactly one. And many that don't have one at all.

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It's truly a world-news sub, cuz I was like "du-uh, where's the news?" until it hit me.

  • Far right has been on a steady rise
  • Refuges are gathered in concentration camps on Islands
  • Most recently everyone's fighting about who should get those refugees
  • There are within-the-eu border checks specifically targeting migrants

Tell me more about "sentiment". It's not sentiment, it's white/european supremacism being executed full force in plain daylight.

asshole design

EU fined the sh1t out of them, and somebody in the regulatory body at the time realized that was not enough. So they were ordered to present the user with a choice of a browser during the OS install.

What I really want to know is why and how it went away.

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Weak one. Let's ideate on a better version


  • Virtualization was supposed to reduce the overhead, not create entire DevOps departments.

  • Years of containerization yet no real use over make clean; make build

  • Wanted to deploy your app in the "cloud" anyways for a laugh? We had a tool for it, it's called rsync

  • Let's run a virtual container in --privileged mode, so we can manage system resources from it -- Statements dreamt up by utterly Deranged

Look at what tech interviews have been demanding your Respect for all these years. (These are real documentation examples for how a simple virtualization supposedly works)





Hello, I would like to put 20 Terabytes of "images" into my /var/lib/, please!

They played us for absolute fools!

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we had a ducking sane file structure on symbian. Before apple knew what smartphone means. We had sane file structure on siemens phones.

There's no excuse for the unholy abomination of what manufacturers call an "operating system" on a smartphone these days.

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well, bye bye privacy. Soon your headphones will measure your response to the ads you see.

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No, no, no! It was supporting all the desktop extensions. For years. Until the damn buggy rewrite for no good reason. And then we were suddenly left with like 5 of them.

For a year after that I was still running the last stable release. But unfortunately the web evolves too fast.

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Why are you running root everyone is asking.

That's why.

Don't be evil, mhm

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The other day someone on lemmy kept trying to tell me that if google wanted to shut down ad blocking they would. But they don't, so it's ok.

Lol, spawn me that person plz.

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Her partner is actually a woman, but dynamic type casts made her write "husband".

also, I cannot properly login into my lemmy.world account anymore. username/password work, but when I try to upvote it tells me i gotta be logged in. Tried apps and web.

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Not everything in the world should be revolving around your stupid default country

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exactly. Squeeze the fucker out and yeet it right out. Some time the same day you'll walk into your bathroom, find a shampoo bottle on the floor, ask yourself "da heck?" and will remember that you gotta go buy some.

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A code editor developed for mac is a massive no go. as in forever.

Please disable your firewall to be able to access the car steering features.

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The world around you uses Instagram daily. They do need a better camera and all the AI photo enhancement filters. Plus, consumerism, you know.

Other than that, there's no technical reason to buy anything better than what flafhsips were a few years back. I have one and it's constantly underutilized.

I mean, maybe 5G or wifi 6 could be a reason to migrate.

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Please, teach me in a week how to write my own compiler and under what conditions re-compilation converges.

Sorry, I don't know what's a for loop or what's a set, I only know how to do 2+2 in excel.


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(2) The second thing we call you to, is to stop your oppression, lies, immorality and debauchery that has spread among you.

(a) We call you to be a people of manners, principles, honour, and purity; to reject the immoral acts of fornication, homosexuality, intoxicants, gambling's, and trading with interest.

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and so the internet wisdom has solved the person's problem. Alas they will never find out

and the plane in the picture is perfectly capable of transporting a plane. What's your point?

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That will teach them a lesson about training models on random repositories.

Read the article. This hit home too close.

People on the internet are too used to having everything for free. But then they also want no ads and trackers. Do they expect everything to be built by some slaves or by volunteers?

I just don't get why this should be an unpopular opinion at all.

p.s. I don't use Facebook. Or any other social media really.

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Good. Fuck Hungary, and one up for the climate change.

Ukraine doing more for the EU than the entire EU parliament.

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The heck are you all talking about? The post says Linux and Flatpack, while everyone somehow is discussing why signal is not on f-driod.

How the heck is this related?

So what? Build solar plants in Africa, pump out hydrogen, keep flying as often as you want emissions free. It is a solution and as such a hydrogen plane is a massive advancement towards a sustainable future for the aviation. Whether it will turn oit this way is a different question.

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Actually, those are great news. Now this fascist political movement can be effectively discredited. Expose them and spread the word. They're not the new power, they're Putin's puppets. Oh boy that's embarrassing, huh?

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Even the fediverse community is now about US elections.

I'll tell you what your "fediverse" is all about: USA. And mainly Trump vs Harris.

It's like nothing else exist. fediverse my @$$.

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this is more sustainability oriented though

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some? How about better thermals, better battery life, and a better integrated graphics?

Usually in this community we only allow "me too" and "neurotypicals are so annoying".

It's refreshing for someone to come and call this out like that. I'm surprised you're not downvoted to hell.

oh boy, so reposting of that comment has now become actual news articles. Oh boy, this will blow up.

here someone reposted it in full on lemmy incl the source: https://lemmy.nowsci.com/comment/4930362

ITT: American pseudo-intellectuals showing they neither have read the study, nor are aware of income differences within Europe.

rotating encryption keys could be added (if software updates are a thing for satellites). If root CAs work for internet, so could a similar model work for the GPS signal.

Not perfect, but would definitely get rid of uninspired terrorists.

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(b) It is saddening to tell you that you are the worst civilization witnessed by the history of mankind:

(i) You are the nation who, rather than ruling by the Shariah of Allah in its Constitution and Laws, choose to invent your own laws as you will and desire. You separate religion from your policies, contradicting the pure nature which affirms Absolute Authority to the Lord and your Creator.

It would be nice for things to have clear definitions.

So trans either means specifically man-woman dysphoria or it means "not feeling like a gender I'm supposed to be", then all non-binaries are also called trans. But not "whoever wants to call themselves whatever". Because then I just gotta ask follow up questions if I actually wanna know. E.g. you'd say something like "I'm queer". Yeah, great, so, where do we start?

Plot twist, I'm telling people I'm queer even though I'm a straight dude because I believe in gender equality, which defies gender identity as a concept, so essentially I'm non-binary, so I'm trans, so I'm oh boy so queer. True story.

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