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over 1,000 bottles of baby oil and lubricant were discovered during the raids

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This is why it’s important to have cameras on your house nowadays.

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“Action” probably means more truck flags

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Among some.

Harris leads among some.

Trump leads among some.

I lead among some.

Your momma leads among some.

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Don’t put your dick in that.

But diddy do it?

The sheriff cannot shut off my security cameras.

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I’m sure it will be investigated until the election

Super curious how this plays out. Pager batteries and phone batteries theoretically could overheat and explode, but that explosion is rarely enough to cause damage. I’m wondering if all the explosions were targets, and maybe a shipment of these devices was tampered with.

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Right, and pager batteries are small. This is something out of a spy movie haha.

Not arguing, but is gaslighting really the right word?

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Maybe if he writes a song about it they will sue for feeling sad.

“It just exploded into something I didn’t mean to happen,”

She meant it. She just didn’t mean to get in trouble.

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lol no shit. Dozens of them are on here

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I think the new GOP tactic is to admit guilt to seem more relatable and to excuse their past craziness. MTG is trying to clean herself up for a presidential run

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Obviously the worm ate too much. His kids were probably just anxiously playing along not to piss him off. Who knows what kind of mental and physical abuse that fucker is capable of

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It allows people to find decent matches instead of settling? Sounds like Christian housewife propaganda.

I’d rather be 7 than a Trump supporter. Get out of here.

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They just opened it up for user created content so they could make as much money as possible before the world ends.

C’mon, he was being “sarcastic”

Another mass shooting

SCOTUS: “Sorry, I can’t hear you. I get bad reception on this Chevron Yacht”


Don’t cross that shrubbery.

The stinky diaper dumpster fire.

lol. Not at all controlled by Russia

Thank religion.

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That’s some impressive coordination.

“Facebook owner” hahahahahaha poor Zuck can’t even get his name in the headline.

They sued him for making a music video of the footage. I would not be making a music video. So, what are they going to sue me for?

I do understand how bad the cops are. But as long as they don’t shoot me—a different topic—they cannot get in and out of my house unnoticed. This is my only statement.

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You’re forgiven.

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I’ll accept that.

You’ve taken the conversation and turned it into something that allows you to argue online to make yourself feel better about yourself.

I feel sorry for you, because nothing you say could ever hurt me, but you keep trying so hard.

I wanna, I wanna, I wanna end Trump.

Perhaps they feel stupid in your presence, but I doubt that’s because you are smart.

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Have you seen the movie for which this phrase is named?

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Wasn’t really talking to you directly. You just posted it. 🤷‍♂️

There is only one definition.

The term "gaslight" comes from the 1944 film Gaslight, which was based on the 1938 play Gas Light by Patrick Hamilton. In the movie, a husband manipulates his wife into doubting her own sanity by dimming the gas lights in their home and then denying that the lights are changing. The term "gaslighting" now refers to a form of psychological manipulation where someone makes another person question their reality.