Russia, Iran and China seen ‘ramping up’ effort to divide US voters. to – 145 points –
Russia, Iran and China seen ‘ramping up’ effort to divide US voters

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lol no shit. Dozens of them are on here

You can rest assured neither Putin nor Xi is paying my rent- believe me I wish they were

So you do it just to hurt people eh?

Are my posts that bad that they cause actual pain? I had no idea I was this powerful, sorry.

Sorry means you stop. 🤯

I am dialing back my posting energy 25%, it's the best I can do until my caffeine wears off.

You could use all that energy to look for a job

I already have several, I'm not working at one of them right now!

Use the time to get an education, so you can find one that pays you more than minimum wage. There’s a joke about bootstraps somewhere in this ;)

It's super cool transitioning so I can get paid less at work (and find it way harder to get hired at jobs I'm actually qualified for) and then told I should educate myself when I complain about it online. Are bootstraps what my landlord uses to raise rent $500/year?

What are you actually qualified for?

(I’ve got nothing good to say about landlords)

I've worked in electronics assembly for years, and I have a math undergrad. Maybe I could get a masters and teach? but that seems like a lot of investment for dubious payout.

Oh, don’t teach. There’s no money there—sadly.

There’s good money in electricity. I’m sure a lot of your knowledge could translate to high voltage, and the path to that is relatively easy if there is a community college near you. Also, field technicians can make good money.

If you’re in the US, The Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA) is a federal program designed to help job seekers, including those looking to transition into new careers like green energy.

You can find more info here:

The WIOA program provides workforce development, training, and education services for individuals to gain in-demand skills, with a particular focus on industries with growth potential, such as green energy (solar, wind, energy efficiency, etc.). It serves a wide range of job seekers, including dislocated workers, underemployed workers, and those facing barriers to employment (e.g., veterans, low-income individuals).

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Do you genuinely believe that?

Why wouldn’t they be?

It’s not like it costs money to creat accounts, or post/comment,

This is a tiny place, and unlike reddit, there's not enough history that you can just make bots repost old threads and comments or buy old accounts to generate fake histories without people catching on, and the admins of the instances would probably call it out if they noticed anything awry.

You can repost the exact same screenshots of tweets in the fuck_{subject} communities one to two times a day and get showered in upvotes.

Yes, mostly from your instance.

I don't know... do they need to come from when there are so many from there willing to do the work for them for free?

Would you show me what lead you to believe this? Do you have any evidence of an account whose actions are consistent with those of a bot? Say reposting old comments as a response to a repost to build fake history, or pretending to be one thing in one case and not others, or a sudden shift in content indicating the account was sold?

Or is it just easier to believe as it gives you an excuse not to examine your own beliefs?

I completely believe tankies from who come here to defend Russia and tell people to not vote for Harris are not bots or paid shills. Neither is needed when there are tankies to do it regardless.

How completely relevant to what I'm talking about.

You're right I'm not even a tankie

Then I guess I wasn't talking about you, was I? Quick to take offense, aren't you?

I guess if I was talking about "all the dumbasses on" and commiserating with others about how "they're not paid, they're just actually that stupid" you would probably take offense too

Not particularly. Why would I give a shit? Why do you give a shit? Is part of your identity?

Anyway, this is what I said:

I completely believe tankies from who come here to defend Russia and tell people to not vote for Harris are not bots or paid shills.

And since you apparently come here to work out your aggression on people who aren't talking about you because they dared insult users of your preferred server, I guess you don't fit that description.

I mean, I'm scrolling on my feed and I see people talking shit, I respond because why the fuck not? Like I didn't give a shit about before I realized it was apparently some sort of mark of the beast for liberals.

Apart from the fact that, again, I was talking about a specific group of people who come from, and the fact that I'm a socialist, you're 100% accurate in your assessment of what I was doing. But good for you coming to the defense of people who want Russia and Donald Trump to win. I'm sure they appreciate it.

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Food is the most affordable it's ever been

Cool, so as long as I'm making at least $30/hour I'm "fine***". 🫠

(Also my wage would have had to have been $20/hr increased to $30/hr in the span of that chart for your statement to be true)

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I, for one, find it easier to believe y’all are just that stupid, no russian bots necessary.

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