Russia, Iran and China seen ‘ramping up’ effort to divide US voters. to – 146 points –
Russia, Iran and China seen ‘ramping up’ effort to divide US voters

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I completely believe tankies from who come here to defend Russia and tell people to not vote for Harris are not bots or paid shills. Neither is needed when there are tankies to do it regardless.

How completely relevant to what I'm talking about.

You're right I'm not even a tankie

Then I guess I wasn't talking about you, was I? Quick to take offense, aren't you?

I guess if I was talking about "all the dumbasses on" and commiserating with others about how "they're not paid, they're just actually that stupid" you would probably take offense too

Not particularly. Why would I give a shit? Why do you give a shit? Is part of your identity?

Anyway, this is what I said:

I completely believe tankies from who come here to defend Russia and tell people to not vote for Harris are not bots or paid shills.

And since you apparently come here to work out your aggression on people who aren't talking about you because they dared insult users of your preferred server, I guess you don't fit that description.

I mean, I'm scrolling on my feed and I see people talking shit, I respond because why the fuck not? Like I didn't give a shit about before I realized it was apparently some sort of mark of the beast for liberals.

Apart from the fact that, again, I was talking about a specific group of people who come from, and the fact that I'm a socialist, you're 100% accurate in your assessment of what I was doing. But good for you coming to the defense of people who want Russia and Donald Trump to win. I'm sure they appreciate it.

I've yet to interact with anyone on .ml who's straight up pro-trump, unless you're playing the game of "anyone questioning dear leader is working for russia and supporting trump"

As for pro-russia, I've run into plenty of people who want the US to lose, but that's a world apart from being pro-russia, especially as it is today. It gets conflated that way because election seasons have a way of making people stop seeing nuance.

Believe me I have plenty of issues with some people on .ml, but this isn't one of them.

One of the issues I have with people from now that I didn't have before is that at least one of them acts like this is some sort of high school football rivalry where if you insult one of us, you insult all of us and therefore come in guns blazing.

But what would I know, I'm just a "liberal" talking about the "mark of the beast."

I'm just returning energy, you talk shit like this is a high school football rivalry, you get it back

No matter how many times you want me to suggest that I was talking about the entirety of your dear country of, long may she reign, I still wasn't. I was still only talking about a specific group of very terrible people that you are defending because they happen to come from and über alles.

I mean there are some groups of absolute wastes of DNA here on I'll be the first to admit it. I won't get all "HOW DARE YOU!!!" if you said so.

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Food is the most affordable it's ever been

Cool, so as long as I'm making at least $30/hour I'm "fine***". 🫠

(Also my wage would have had to have been $20/hr increased to $30/hr in the span of that chart for your statement to be true)

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