Amazon Sells Fake, Dead Toshiba Hard Drives as New: Detailed Inspection & Proof of Their Scam

Pete to – 183 points –

I canceled Amazon Prime last month given that I've lost all trust in getting a functioning version of whatever I've ordered. This is some next-level shit.


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Yikes. Back to Newegg for me!

Newegg is inundated with 3rd party sellers so it’s basically a crapshoot as well.

Sadly yep. Micro Center is just about the only PC component supplier I'll buy from nowadays, but I have to drive like 4 hours to get to my nearest one

Oh, the irony that enshittification has led to not trusting online tech firms to sell tech items online.

Checking in from Vancouver Island. Nearest one is 26hrs away.

I did love them when I was living in California and could be there in an hour. Now I take my chances with online sellers like Amazon.