Black Myth: Wukong Devs Told Streamers to Avoid Politics in Their Playthroughs. It Backfired to – 355 points –
‘Black Myth: Wukong’ Devs Told Streamers to Avoid Politics in Their Playthroughs. It Backfired

The Chinese studio granted early access on the condition that topics like “feminist propaganda” and “Covid-19” go unmentioned. What followed is the Streisand effect in full force.

“I feel that it only served to bring more attention on Game Science’s culture of sexism,” linktothepabst says. “All they had to do was let the game speak for itself, but it came off, to me, like an own goal, effectively stoking the flames between the people who were using this game as weapon against ‘wokeness in games’ and those who can level-headedly either enjoy the game and criticize GS or just ignore the game altogether.”

It’s the Streisand effect in full force: Try to hide something, and it becomes all the more visible. “Nobody was going to bring up Chinese politics unprompted,” Zhong says, “but the topic was there as soon as they released those guidelines.”


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provide sources for all of that and ill bounce and moan on it with you

As for the anonymous sources claiming sexism, I can't exactly give proof that they don't exist, since there is no proof of them existing in the first place. The lack of evidence here is my evidence. Obviously if one of them comes forward to tell their story, the story becomes different, but as of now it is just a bunch of claims from IGN with no proof.

By the way, can we address the fact that people are downvoting your comment because you are asking for proof? Are people proud of being in a community that does this?

your sources are hilarious. i cannot imagine the wrong turn over would have to make in the creepy forest to end up in this hellhole. best of luck to you. i just hope you're 13 and will grow up to cringe at the memory of this but at least be in a better state of mind.

What's wrong about them? They are the first ones that show when you search on DDG. They're the ones that reported on it. IGN wouldn't report on it because they'd out themselves, and neither would the other common ones since they are owned by IGN.

The lack of evidence here is my evidence.

Absence of evidence is not evidence of absence.

Lack of evidence is grounds for dismissal. And when making accusations, it is on the accuser to provide evidence, not for the accused to provide evidence of innocence.