Tulsi Gabbard Completes MAGA Makeover by Endorsing Donald Trump

return2ozma@lemmy.world to politics @lemmy.world – 461 points –
Tulsi Gabbard Completes MAGA Makeover by Endorsing Donald Trump

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rejected every time you show up

That is to be expected when you go against the status quo and the duopoly. 

Other diverse folks get persecuted by the same people you refuse to criticize.

You are just assuming now, I call out the duopoly, not just one or the other.

You reminded me of these quotes:

"I don’t criticize Democrats cuz I side with Republicans, I criticize Democrats Cuz THEY side with Republicans."

"Our fight is not Left/Right anymore, it is Us vs.Them."

"We have 2 corporate party’s that serve Wall St/War Machine/Corporations & crush everyone else. #UniParty @0rf"


"diversity -- A variety or assortment."

Again, I try to share things not seen in Lemmy, so it is expected that people only wanting the status quo will push against anything outside of that view point. 

So basically accuse people of “the duopoly” or whatever. Great quotes:

“People are different and this is why everyone is wrong”

“Citing “Class war” means I don’t have to be accurate or even remotely correct”

“My fisher-price understanding of politics means there’s no room for debate…”

Something something about wrestling with a pig and how much they like getting everyone dirty…

Going back to these quotes:

“I don’t criticize Democrats cuz I side with Republicans, I criticize Democrats Cuz THEY side with Republicans.”

“Our fight is not Left/Right anymore, it is Us vs.Them.”

“We have 2 corporate party’s that serve Wall St/War Machine/Corporations & crush everyone else. #UniParty @0rf”

Just by reading these quotes, it should tell you more than plenty of our difference in world views.

It is just a difference in opinion, no need to put words in my mouth or assume anything that I am or am not for.

I don’t think anyone on Lemmy is ever downvoting you because of difference of intention.


You aren’t really different in intention from anyone else you just end up with the shittiest take that no one can understand or relate to.

Like consider yourself in a room of liberal manifesto folks and all you can do is spout Hillary Clinton conspiracies… maybe the issue isn’t protecting kids… maybe it’s you?

Hillary Clinton conspiracies

I also share owner-class media and much more, so I already know you are not correct on the matter.

Thanks for sharing your thoughts though, I know we will not agree on our view points.

“Owner-class” = self defeating rhetoric.

We should all get past capitalistic BS. But self defeating BS only makes this harder

Do you remember the 99% versus the 1% protests?

Occupy Wall Street--2011 protest in New York against wealth inequality

It is just a continuation, owner-class versus the working class.

What’s interesting is that I remember, supported, and know folks who participated in those protests..

None of them said what you say nor sounded as dumb as you do.

It’s weird knowing and interacting with that element while hearing you say dumb shit like this…

Like having an anarchists library on hand didn’t mean I had to deal with this level of dumb…

Thanks for your insights and your nice words.

People can be a part of something without aligning 100% with the movement, that is just being a follower, not a leader.

I question your experiences, but I will not push back on them.

I appreciate the civility. Though, I hope you eventually realize how much your own words are part of “the movement” against you.

You can worry about my “experience” all you want but at some point you should understand how little your “experience” means. Other voices have a place… consider them!

I am sharing diverse experiences, just look at my post history.

It does not align with the status quo.

“Status quo” is in your head.

“The point” on the other hand…

I understand what you are point out.

I will continue to learn and talk with those that do not agree with me and those that do.

One thing that the dishonest debaters like to do is come in and claim they really represent a group of people while proposing ideas that would result in serious harm to that group of people if implemented.

I pointed out how votes can be poisoned through the Schoolhouse Example elsewhere in this thread. A few votes in a weak location can result in all of us being 'represented' by people who mean to harm our interests.

There are two major factions vying for political control in the USA. Democrats are our 'Left' party, and yes, it'd be pretty darn Right in another country, but the US isn't a Left-Leaning country by any measure, so the Dems are the best we can get. They represent a slow-walk towards the cliff of civil rights destruction, and yes, I'd love an alternative to them. But we must remember the Other Side -- an Alt-Right Authoritarian Dictatorship in waiting, led by a convicted felon with a need for this office and a plan (Project 2025) for when he gets in that will result in real harms to workers and minorities -- a full-tilt run at that cliff I mentioned before.

How can you claim to be pro-worker while depressing the turnout for the major party most favourable to workers? How can you claim to be pro-minority by making minorities stay home or vote third party? How can you do this knowing that Cheerleader will win 48/30/16 if you listen to the bogus memes being put out by Team Bookish Girl? You can't...unless your goal is to ensure that the Democrats lose and thus giving the election to the Republicans and subjecting all of us to Project 2025.

I'd like to call these users out, but Rule 3 prevents me, even as these users refers to me and the rest of the actual pro-worker and pro-minorities 'Blue MAGA', but maybe this rational discussion can highlight what the threat from these dishonest debaters actually are.