Tulsi Gabbard Completes MAGA Makeover by Endorsing Donald Trump

return2ozma@lemmy.world to politics @lemmy.world – 461 points –
Tulsi Gabbard Completes MAGA Makeover by Endorsing Donald Trump

I would expect nothing less from this Russian agent.

Hey now that's not fair; Tulsi will sell herself to anyone willing to pay, not just exclusively Russia!

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And... Hilary was right.

(not so coincidentally, that is the name of my wifi network in my red neighborhood, so it can be seen!)

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“I know what I mean when I share with you that President Trump understands the grave responsibility that a president and commander-in-chief bears for every single one of our lives,” she said.

I really only have obscenities at this point. Lots of them...maybe all of them.

“I know what I mean when I share with you that President Trump understands the grave responsibility that a president and commander-in-chief bears for every single one of our lives,” she said.

...and he doesn't give single shit about any of those responsibilities or those lives. He will walk on your grandmother's face if it means saving a single step to wrap his small fingers around a can of Diet Coke sooner.

Damn we need that clown meme up in here. I remember when she was a big supporter of Bernie in 2016. So I'm guessing she was just a Putin puppet the whole time right?

I honestly thought she might be Trump's VP.

behind the bastards QAA did an episode on her, I think. She's involved in some weird cult.

He keeps us in his heart

Sure. Tell that to the women that he took abortion rights from, or the refugee kids that he stripped from families, or the people he tried to deny health care, or the natural disaster victims in blue states that he tried not to help because they voted for the other party, etc etc etc.

This man has never cared about anyone other than himself.

If he’s pretending to care about you, it’s because he thinks you’re a useful idiot that will get him into a position of power that he can exploit.

The timing of her endorsement was not accidental. Gabbard, a member of the Hawaii National Guard, had earlier gone to Arlington National Cemetery in Virginia with Trump to lay a wreath marking the third anniversary of the deaths of 13 American servicemen at the Abbey Gate of Kabul Airport during the chaotic withdrawal from Afghanistan.

I just want to remind people. You're going to hear about this in the coming weeks. When some dumb fuck tells you that the Afghan withdrawal was a disaster:

  • Ask why the 3 past Presidents kicked the can down the road (rhetorical: It was ALWAYS going to be a disaster on the ground and politically disadvantageous).

  • Ask them if they know how many total US service members died under Trump's term versus Biden's in Afghanistan. (HINT: The total deaths under Trump is SIXTY-FIVE. The total under Biden: 13)

  • Thanks to Biden, ZERO American servicemen have died in 2022, 2023, and 2024 in Afghanistan — the first 0 years since 2001.

Biden's withdrawal from Afghanistan will be praised in history books as a political sacrifice that ultimately saved more American lives in the long-run.

The withdrawal from Afghanistan is the the most genuine "the buck stops here", that I can remember. He ripped off the bandaid and it was the right call

The only question I ask is, who started both illegal wars in Iraq and Afghanistan??

Republicans! W Bush. Everything else is bullshittery designed to deflect blame from Republicans and the mess they caused.

I've said it before, Republicans are assholes that take a shit in your living room then complain about how you are cleaning it up and how you're not fast enough.

And Republicans will have the balls to tell you they were against it from the start which pisses me off more. I mean who invented freedom fries?!

I distinctly remember my parents being in the deep minority of our area and our extended family in their protest of especially Iraq and prolonged duration in Afghanistan. It's actually a big part of what flipped my family to Democrats and never looked back.

Fox News was beating the drums of war, Bush was saying, "You're either with us or you're with the terrorists," and I would see signs in the South while on vacation saying, "Nuke the bastards"

Republicans dragged Democrats along and yes many Democrats begrudgingly went along because the hysteria was so great that if you went against the war we would only have had 1 party now.

Democrats were the first to oppose, and as said, Democrats were the ones to end it.

  • Ask who let the Taliban out of Afghanistan's prisons? Trump did a deal with the Taliban and had the American military crack open the prisons, against the wishes of the supposedly sovereign Afghanistan government.

Biden’s withdrawal from Afghanistan will be praised in history books as a political sacrifice that ultimately saved more American lives in the long-run.

Maybe. But I still hear people insist we could have won Vietnam.

I hear people say the world is flat. Never should have been in Vietnam in the first place.

The ideas don't come ex nihilo, though. There's a vested interest among the large and influential pro-war lobbying community to convince policy makers and voters that these endless wars are beneficial, even part of some utopian global project of peace.

"Vietnam was winnable" as an idea persists because it was so profitable. And because Americans really want to believe their military is this unstoppable force, capable of solving any foreign policy problem.

Tulsa Gabbard has the warmth, honesty and vocal tonality of Elizabeth Holmes.

Worst part about this comment, I can't tell who it's a bigger insult to.

Gabbard. Holmes is at least trying to do a bit and pretend she's Jobs, even if her technical acumen is equivalent to his personal hygiene (I.e. it fucking stinks). Gabbard is just like that, so that's so much worse.

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good news for harris and the dems considering she endorsed like 10 candidates in 2022 and none of them won.

Oh, isn't she the one that's in some weird religious org that's more like a cult? I believe I listened to a podcast or two about her when she was making the rounds a couple years ago.

She's in Science of Identity Foundation and I believe pretty close to the leader. QAA has a two part episode about it and her.

QAA has a two part episode about it and her.

That's where I heard about her. Thanks for providing the name of the group. Turns out the Wikipedia link had already been visited when I looked them up, further confirming this was what I recalled hearing about.

What's QAA?

Formerly known as QAnon Anonymous, they're a podcast that started out covering Q-related conspiracies, but have since expanded into general conspiracies and far-right rhetoric. The hosts are also non-tankie leftists, which makes the show even more appealing to me.

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What happened to her?

She was always just a scammy blow-hard, just like Trump

So a perfectly moderate and sensible person is a scammy-blowhard?

Did you actually look at a single thing of hers when she ran for president? Not surprised youre on lemmy.world lol lets put it that way. Cant even do research into a good frontend, say bombastic shit and somehow get upvotes from fellow redditors who have come to this community.

You’re a moron if you think she stood for anything. She was clearly just a Russian asset from the get go.

Do you... genuinely think this woman was a Russian Agent?


Actions speak louder than words. If she’s endorsing Trump, then whatever progressive platform she lists on her website is meaningless.

Or, maybe, you could keep an open mind and see why she and... Rod Blagojevich Samuel D. Thompson Rubén Díaz Sr (btw, this guy is Puerto Rican I figured I should mention this since people think Trump will... genocide those peoples, or some nonsense) Kwame Kilpatrick Andrew Stein

All other democrats endorsed him.

What a disgusting mentality. I guess you just deny those human's opinions now right? The dynamic of those individuals is now lost to you because they endorsed "big orange scary" - correct? How disgustingly rude of you to those people's dynamic lol.

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Further proof that blondes dont have the market cornered on stupidity

And here I am having been accused before of "bothside-ism" when I said politicians flip flop-- on party or policy wise. Democrats do it but Republicans do it more. It seems that Lemmy forgot about John Fetterman and Tulsi Gabbard. But I don't know, maybe because I came from a corrupt country and not surprised of any backstabbing and flip flopping. Maybe it is biased in favour of Democrats that some Lemmy users have ideological blindspot; or maybe it's a first world problem when people can't believe politicians turn.

Lemmy is way worse in terms of hypocrisy. Some people on lemmy say one thing, then there's other people on lemmy that say the complete opposite. How can you ever trust anything you read on here when there's no consistency in what everyone is saying? I think people that think lemmy is good have a blindspot that prevents them from seeing the terrible people I've encountered on here.

Though it's possible, and this may sound crazy, that individuals within a group may differ in opinion on some things.

Some people on lemmy say one thing, then there's other people on lemmy that say the complete opposite. How can you ever trust anything you read on here when there's no consistency in what everyone is saying?

Why is it so weird to you that there is more than one opinion present on the internet? You could have seen that and concluded that Lemmy isn't as homogeneous as you thought it was but for some reason you decided to interpret it as a conspiracy to deceive you. Not gonna lie, that seems pretty fucking crazy to me.

and here I thought it was a parody...

What do you mean we aren't aren't all part of the collective hive mind?!?!?! That's why i signed up!

I've lived here all my life, and I see it. Unlike the child's fairy tale noting naked emperors won't win any popularity contests.

I'm constantly being bombarded with these supposedly known people who I have never heard of. Just looks like maga trash to me. There are tons of it festering in every city in the country.

You never heard of Tulsi Gabbard? She was pretty prominent during the 2020 primaries.

Nope. Sounds like it was for good reason. I tend to ignore flakes.