62 Post – 507 Comments
Joined 12 months ago

Fucking bonkers. Between this an McD's changing their ToS to say using their app waives any right to non-arbitration dispute, something needs to be done about companies trying to effectively write new laws into their ToS. This shit is beyond egregious

68 more...

So what I'm reading is a truck driver can invite as many guests as they want to shower with them there, so long as none of those guests are also truck drivers.

Weird rules for the orgy shower, but who am I to judge?

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This is just a quiet part out loud thing again. Remember, to most American evangelicals, anything less than a devotion to evangelical Christianity is satanism. It's a binary thing to them, so whether you're actually Jewish, or Hindu, or atheist, or whatever, it doesn't matter; if you aren't American evangelical Christian, then you are Satanist. I'm not being hyperbolic, this is a core tenet of American evangelical Christianity.

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Snapping half the life forms also snaps half of the world's gut bacteria. If we removed half of the gut bacteria from those who weren't snapped, that would be removing 75% of the universe's gut bacteria, not 50%.

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A general NDA is reasonable, sure, but allowing only comments which glaze the game but not those which criticize it is not. I genuinely cannot even fathom how you think the contrary; I don't mean that in offensive, so if you can articulate why you believe that way I would like to try and understand.

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I still don't get this; who wants to log onto twitter and see reddit? Or log onto reddit and see twitter?

As somebody who never understood the appeal of twitter, I'm glad my Lemmy isn't clogged up with a bunch of Mastadon content, personally

edit: the likelihood that I'm missing some salient point here is high, so genuinely please educate me on what I'm not understanding

edit 2: Okay, I've read the replies and I get it a little bit more, especially the point about additional ease in growing the Lemmy userbase during this building phase. I'm not sure I'll ever really "get" the appeal, but you all have helped me understand the value to some degree, so thank you.

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Because they want the benefits of advertising with the power of word-of-mouth, all at the expense of free.

That they think they can get away with it is bananas to me.

Bro I was there at the Phoenix arena when she actually punched her hand straight through dude's chest and out the other side of his body.

Straight up the best concert experience of my life

5 more...

I once worked a 12 hour shift at a MarketPro computer show booth where, I shit you not, the booth next to us was selling computer speakers and the guy running it let his child play Around The World on repeat all day.

No other songs

No break

No reprieve

Just almost 12 straight hours of Around The World.

I loved that song, but to this day I can't tolerate hearing it without triggering something akin to PTSD

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I'm not defending them, but this was clearly always the plan. It was obvious they intended to enter the market just under competitor prices to establish a foothold and then later charge more and reset the industry standard in doing so.

Again, I'm not saying it doesn't suck, because it does, but this was clearly the Disney+ game plan since day 1

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Hey, Starfield is actually a great framework for a video game; I can't wait until they write and make an actual game to go inside of it

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Why assume that though? The Infinity Gauntlet isn't a Monkey's Paw, it reads beyond the words and answers the intent of the wielder. So much so, in fact, that it even includes subconscious thoughts and feelings as part of its interpretation. I see often these ideas predicated on the Gauntlet working on Monkey Paw logic despite that being clearly and specifically not how it operates within canon.

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Sure, whatever you say guy who definitely isn't a shady up-selling mechanic

How can something called a brake, break?

That obviously just makes it more brake

Rome is overrated. That meme about men always thinking about ancient Rome is dumb.

Ancient Greece however, now that's a different story. Tell me about Athens all day

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Nah I think it's just the same snake-in-the-grass right wing propaganda bullshit that infects every leftist space online to sow complacency and disempower us with apathy by trying to convince us that the comparative left-ish-leaning party is the same or worse than the right so as to maintain the hold on power the right has. It's bullshit anti-leftist wolf-in-sheep's-clothing rhetoric. Same as it always was.

Edit: typos.

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"gender-neutral candy"

Jesus Christ these people are so legitimately terrified of everything. Every single thing they make or do is riddled with their insecurities like that.

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Small brain: Calling it X

Big brain: Calling it twitter

Galaxy brain: Not acknowledging that shithole at all

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Meanwhile dude at IHOP: "yo I ordered my egg 40 minutes ago, what the fuck is taking so long?"

This joke would have fucking slayed in 1998.

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I think most of you need to worry way less about sounding sufficiently the "right kind" of leftist and focus more on promoting leftism through action. More than half the "tankie" discourse is, at best, a needless distraction from actual progress. Lose your buzzwords and stop the ideological purity pissing contest and actually put in the work in your communities instead, goddamn.

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Well I'm glad you live in a fantasy world where your abstinence doesn't have real world impact that is demonstrably worse, specifically in regards to the very genocide to which you refer, but unfortunately the rest of us live in the real world where sometimes we have to evaluate the weight of ideological purity vs real world harm impact.

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Soda is an always has been the right term, but the people who say "coke" to mean any soda are the most wrongest people in history

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I will never understand why people follow "celebrities" on social media. Isn't life already forcefully inundated with these overly self-important assholes as is? This is the same to me as people who go on YouTube to watch commercials; I just cannot fathom the appeal

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My friend, I regret to inform you that you are misunderstanding the meme

I will give Eric/ConcernedApe all of the patience and grace he asks for. Man is a good guy and legend of game development.


Bloodhounds are renowned for their sense of smell due to intentional selective-breeding.

Greyhounds are renowned for their incredible speed and agility due to intentional selective-breeding.

Border Collies are renowned as the premium choice of herding dog due to intentional selective-breeding.

The exact same people:

Intentional selective-breeding has ZERO impact on pitbulls!!!

Sure, dude.

Edit: typo

No, it just shouldn't be capitalized. It's short for "operative" and usually refers to somebody you think is (or jokingly think is) working for/with the cops or feds.

It's "Opp," not OPP

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Is it weird to say that your chicken looks straight gangsta? Like I'd invite that chicken to my smoke circle

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Yeah I'm forever pissed at Oculus for selling to Facebook after crowdfunding. Selling out to an evil megacorp after you've already gone outside the system to fund via direct customer investments is scummy as fuck and permanently soured my opinion on the company. Traitor behavior, for real

Nah, that's a salad-eating wanker if ever I saw one

Stop making lame people famous

For some reason this is unpopular, but I don't think a police officer should be allowed to remove their firearm from its holster until actual assault has occurred, unless non-police citizens are in danger.

A cop merely being scared should never be a reason somebody dies.

If you can't handle the pressure, don't be a fucking cop.

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It's not talked about enough how "traditional news" is culpable for the rise of "fake news" by locking vital information and reporting behind exactly these kinds of pay walls, thus causing people to seek alternative free means instead. This is how fake news sites thrive; pushed into the forefront by traditional media who refuse to adapt their business models to the modern landscape.

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I agree fully, but I do want to know what the original image said before "birth lottery" was edited in

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If you aren't putting not just the seat but also the lid down, you're just spraying your house with piss and shit particles.

Close the lid before flushing, you uncouth animals

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We need to abolish public trading, or at least vastly overhaul what it means to invest in a company

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Honestly whatever weird shit they're trying to suggest these "satanists" are doing still looks a lot more fun than attending most churches

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... Where do I buy this bear?

I got a lot of emptiness

This is NoVA. As somebody who spent most of my life in NoVA I am confident the Chief knows exactly what they're doing and that this is blatant racism. This is just him declaring which side of the "culture war" he's on, in no uncertain terms

Whoa, are you trying to tell me that the awful guy who actively preyed on people's fears and insecurities while furthering dangerous assumptions and stereotypes was actually a self-serving grifter this whole time and not a real champion of personal freedom?
