1 Post – 69 Comments
Joined 2 months ago

Yep quite right, I was just clarifying because you said "low res. 720p or maybe 480p" - the Steam Deck is 800p native. Total agreement.

Just because handcuffung is normal in the USA, that doesnt make it normal or sensible. No one gets cuffed in a normal traffic stop or house visit in the UK for example.

Steam Deck screen is only 800p so that's the resolution for all games. And it's perfect for the screen size.

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We hook our Steam Deck up to a 4k projector and it looks amazing. The built in upscaler from 800p to 4k is astonishingly good. Obviously not AS good as native but and many games are limited to 30fps but holy smokes it's more than good enough.

Just for context, this is in the UK so the officer WILL be prosecuted and punished accordingly.

It is worth noting that other officers at the scene had a broken nose and other injuries before this happened. It doesn't excuse what he does but there's certainly a lot more to the story here.

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Obama never had a supermajority. He got close but peaked at 59 senators in the senate and one in hospital. One shy of 60 is not enough.

A British politician once failed to show up for a panel show and they replaced him with a literal tub of lard. For the whole thirty minutes.

It seems fitting for Trump.

Link in case anyone cares: (be warned, it's old TV)

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Logitech has an idea for a “forever mouse”

Great, my money is good to go. I'll pay big for something that's easy to keep clean and doesn't have that horrible sticky rubber after a few years.

that requires a subscription

I'm out.

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The Russian military has hundreds of helicopters and, so far, has lost just a hundred or so to Ukrainian action.

Odd use of "only". Based on that sentence alone, they've lost between 10% and 90%, which sounds like a lot..

"Does no one remember Magna Carta? Did she die in vain?"

But seriously, it's one of the most interesting and important documents in Western history.

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Who would buy it now, though? It can't have much value left. (Edit: Twitter. Not talking about Tesla, that's a whole different arc.)

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Talking to hotel staff. About networking. Yeah.. uh.. Good luck!

We have some lovely concentration camps in Rwanda, already paid for. I hear it's totally safe over there. Maybe we could use them?

If they don't allow you to reject in two clicks then they're violating the EU regulation.

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He identified as a man and his chosen pronouns are he/him. The right love it when we clarify this.

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  • Ask who let the Taliban out of Afghanistan's prisons? Trump did a deal with the Taliban and had the American military crack open the prisons, against the wishes of the supposedly sovereign Afghanistan government.

Ew, Joe Rogan.

Never forget the time Shapiro got angry and confused in a softball interview with British right winger Andrew Neil and stormed out.

I highly recommend skipping to the end if you haven't seen it:

It's a mystery to me how these people get taken seriously at all.

The tendency of modern mass shooters to aim for the head seems to be the result of video game culture. So it's quite likely that video games saved Trump's life!

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Or you can join Deezer and then when you're driving you can ask for whatever you want.

And you'll get a Christmas version. Or a "live" version. Or a fucking obscure cover. Every time. And god help you if you ask for an artist rather than a track. Yeesh. One obscure track by the artist followed by random tracks from German rock bands and other total irrelevance.

In summary: I love Deezer.

They'll wait till he's president again and then just say it's covered by Presidential immunity. Somehow..

There's no year zero, it goes from 1 BCE to 1 CE.

I'd laugh but that sounds like 8 kids had their lives ruined by some idiots.

A company not dumb enough to store anything in the EU, that's who. They'd be in real trouble now! Phew.

When Trump goes, the rest will tear each other to shreds. As insane as he is, he's the figure who's holding it together. Like a fat gormless toad sitting on a stone in the middle of the pond.

As an outsider to American politics, I predict a (temporary) collapse in support for the Republican party the minute he's ousted.

This is a soft-left wing newspaper that's generally quite critical of the police. The numbers of convictions amd sackings are quite interesting. I think there's a lot of room for improvement but we're starting from a MUCH better place than the US or even Aus.

The 70% increase in convictions does not mean there's an increase in Police bad actors. It's an increase in pursuing convictions against them.

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I'm not willing to gamble but I don't think they'd go nuclear. The trick is to offer amnesty and support to everyone but Putin so they have a better option than death for themselves and their families. Loyalty to dictators is always about self preservation.

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The polls were showing a substantial swing to Trump in the black vote since last time. Up to around 30%. Hopefully Harris can at least reverse that.

MTU 1280 fixes all MTU problems, at a cost to performance.

Planes are three times faster, five times longer range and 95% cheaper per mile, in real terms, than those early days.

The consumer was given the choice and they chose this. Honestly, air travel is great.

Yes, capitalism sucks. I hate being nickle and dimed for hand luggage, lottery tickets, snacks, hidden booking fees and all that shit. Some gentle regulations would be really nice, just to curb the excess.

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The only one of those I'm familiar with is Menenez and the officers genuinely believed he had explosives. It was a fucked up situation and I do think they probably should have suffered more consequences. But honestly there's room for a little nuance.

British cops are not routinely armed so shooting generally is a LOT rarer.

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At this rate we'll be renting individual strawberries to show off at parties.

(This was a real thing with pineapples, once upon a time.)

Even "rubber" bullets are surprisingly lethal. Cops are supposed to skip-fire them, ie shoot the floor so that they bounce into a group of rioters.

He's playing Snakes and Ladders (Chutes and Ladders?) in 4D. The man's a genius, I tells you.

Indian accent: Hello, this is Microsoft support. Your private key is being hacked and you need to give it to us immediately for safe keeping.


Why aren't they angry with the tories and Farage then? They've shaped our economy into a state that's dependent on immigration while simultaneously destroying all our public services.

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I think you'll find that flat earthers from all around the globe are in total agreement.

Concorde wasn't far off that sort of speed. But it was too expensive. Such speeds will probably return in some form one day.

Episode numbering inconsistencies are the single best weapon against the convenience of piracy..