There's a reason we aren't as harsh on the Steam Deck. Actually, a couple. to Steam – 1111 points –

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The original was posted on /r/linustechtips by /u/RevolutionaryAd8204 on 2024-09-14 15:50:43+00:00.


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Steam Deck screen is only 800p so that's the resolution for all games. And it's perfect for the screen size.

Like I said it was clear and smooth. I don't expect 4k in a handheld. Portable is it's own metric.

Yep quite right, I was just clarifying because you said "low res. 720p or maybe 480p" - the Steam Deck is 800p native. Total agreement.

I'm so glad Valve did not give in to the tech-number-nerds who want 2K resolution on tiny screens, saves so much battery life.