
1 Post – 19 Comments
Joined 2 months ago

Ah yes, a limiting label by someone who pretends centrists cant have negative views about one side or the other.

You are proof of concept. I vote Democrat resoundingly, and the one time i didnt it was for Gabbard. But I can still admit that I see this shit way more on the left-hand-side of American Politics.

If I was a democrat who said this would you suddenly label me as a republican? Foolish mentality...

Do you... genuinely think this woman was a Russian Agent?


Or, maybe, you could keep an open mind and see why she and... Rod Blagojevich Samuel D. Thompson Rubén Díaz Sr (btw, this guy is Puerto Rican I figured I should mention this since people think Trump will... genocide those peoples, or some nonsense) Kwame Kilpatrick Andrew Stein

All other democrats endorsed him.

What a disgusting mentality. I guess you just deny those human's opinions now right? The dynamic of those individuals is now lost to you because they endorsed "big orange scary" - correct? How disgustingly rude of you to those people's dynamic lol.

Silencing people who disagree with your side of the spectrum is a kill-all-others mentality. It is a slippery slope, and is authoritarian.

Also... how is advocating for freedom of speech sided? A centrist can make centrist observations. I may end up voting democrat, but this doesnt mean I dont see through the pandering. The same can be said to both sides...

Edit: I should add, it's the hasty labelling of me as an "other" for.. a misunderstanding (my comment on r/trump has 0 to do with Trump, it was actually about this exact thing going on), applying me to a group and restricting me - that is the Kill All Others I am seeing here.

That was definitely a move in that direction, but one conservative move does not a conservative make. He has done some ratherrrr progressive things too. Some of his ideologies also align to Democratic Party ideologies 2000-2012. (Namely his views on immigration (open, but strict; no more migration) are similar to Obama's). Row v Wade being a 'make this a state's concern' was a weird choice, but it also aligns to the gay marriage ideology of Obama's first term.

i could totally be rusty on some of the above - but, he is way more lenient than a truly conservative man would be. His stance on weed/crypto shock me as they are so progressive.

People get their opinons and info from memes.

It isnt even rare to see people who think trump will cause genocide or evict all citizen mexican-americans... that's nonsensical, and common. It is no wonder that Orange Man Bad is so common when people are told he is bad 24/7 without proper proof or context.

Yes.. I listed two core differences. Weed is extremely anti religion in many ways lol. Crypto is extremely progressive economical reform. You seemed so shocked by saying "wow" I figured you needed an explanation.

Immigration his thoughts are rather normal on. Migration =/= immigration. I dont think anyone wants migrants to continue spilling into a country that is giving all of its money away...

Yknow before Trump both Obama and Clinton contributed to the border wall? I guess, by your logic, they must be super conservative!

So me making a joke on r/trump deserves not being able to talk in a completely unrelated sub? I also am registered as, and vote, Democrat (typically, and when not I vote third-party).

Pretty logical conclusions we can make on "Freedoms" and "Speech" with this.

And with you assuming I am right wing because I: Dont like being banned as a alt-right maniac when I make 1 comment on a 1 subreddit that I hardly agree with. That's labeling and passing judgement. Disgusting how your comment has so many upvotes, when it is morally bankrupt.

I dont really see this as a 180 on their views though. Gabbard was a very moderate democrat, and while trump appeals to conservatives - he is in many ways a very progressive republican (his views on crypto, and weed, are extremely anti-republican...)

You think Trump is a conservative? pro-weed, pro-cryptocurrency (and as Bitcoin, NOT Central Bank Digital Currency) conservative? What lol

He knows that his main appeal is that, but at the end of the day I wouldnt say his policies are truly conservative at all. keep in mind not all repubs are conservative.

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TDS is Trump Derangement Syndrome. It's two-pronged. The MAGASUPPORTERS HURR, they have TDS. The people who genuinely seem to think Trump will commit genocide, they also have TDS.

I hear it often only used towards the left, but no - the supporters can be just as bad. Those people who think Trump is some god who will save us from pedophile elite, that's also TDS.

So a perfectly moderate and sensible person is a scammy-blowhard?

Did you actually look at a single thing of hers when she ran for president? Not surprised youre on lemmy.world lol lets put it that way. Cant even do research into a good frontend, say bombastic shit and somehow get upvotes from fellow redditors who have come to this community.

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No sane person calls someone they disagree with a fascist. That is TDS. I bet you think if Trump wins, gay people will be put in camps and whatnot. All that other alarmist nonsense about project2025 which didnt happen in his prior term. All this saving grace our VP says she will do if elected... that she could just begin right now lol...

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Could you point me to these encyclopedias? because last I checked the man hasnt been doing half the shit people accuse him of - and he is notoriously taken out of context.

Lemmy is a decentralized social community. Maybe Lemmy.world is progressive (and by progressive I mean: censoring communities already lol), but to say the entire mastodon which this relies on is, is foolish.

This is also TDS. Buddy, Trump never said (or even cares about) any of that shit.

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Good thing neither Trump or Gabbard are conservative in the slightest...

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So much for the "social" in social media. I made a silly quip too, not even anything supporting Trump. Hell I voted Gabbard last election like... I cant even partake in some subs? That's insane.

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So much hate because she is pro-Trump now.

Sheesh, didnt realize Lemmy is just as TDS as reddit. Yall are so "ORANGE MAN BAD" that you'll randomly shit on others you dont understand. What a disgusting comments section. Here I thought Lemmy was more intelligent than reddit, meanwhile yall are just as alarmist and reactionary.

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