Chaos in France after Macron refuses to name prime minister from leftwing coalition to World – 379 points –
Chaos in France after Macron refuses to name prime minister from leftwing coalition

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Macron was bailed out by cooperation from the left-wing, and now he wants to play fuckwad games. How predictable. I hope they ream his ass out for trying this.

This deserves a riot. Hopefully the public sets him straight. I wish our own public would flip cars over politicians' lies and anti-citizen rulings.

"why don't leftists just cooperate with liberals and try to guide them left"

Well, this is why, most liberals (within power, it's the opposite in the populace) aren't "good hearted but misinformed and able to be moved left". It has been tried countless times and all that ever happens is they betray the left and try to push their right wing agendas.

The alternative here would have been to let the far-right win.

The issue isn't that the left did cooperate with liberals to prevent fascism. That's wholly laudable. One simply shouldn't expect one's enemies to be anything except temporary allies against worse foes (and I'm not accusing the French left of naivety here, mind, they probably understood and are prepared for this scenario).

The issue isn't that the left did cooperate with liberals to prevent fascism.

Correct. The issue is that the liberals aren't cooperating with the left to prevent fascism. They're just trying to use facsism as a tool against the left, as always.

they probably understood and are prepared for this scenario

I certainly hope so.