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Who are these young people who care what kid Rock of all peopel says?

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Reminder, American police training is heavily influenced by Israel and has been since just after 9/11.

Table tennis champions said to be in ‘cleanse from exposure to contamination’ following podium picture with opponents

Ri Jong Sik and Kim Kum Yong, who won silver medals, are said to be undergoing “ideological evaluation” along with other athletes who returned from the Paris Games.

the Daily NK reported.

Citing anonymous official sources in Pyongyang, the news outlet, which specialises in North Korean affairs


Daily NK is a recipient of funding from multiple institutions and private donors, including the National Endowment for Democracy,[4] an NGO funded by the U.S. Congress. Daily NK's president is Lee Kwang-baek.

The organization is part of a consortium with the Unification Media Group, which is a South Korea–based non-profit organization that produces and delivers radio content into North Korea via short-wave radio broadcasts.

So it's a NED funded propaganda network controlled by Lee Kwang-baek

Lee Kwang Baek has served as Daily NK's president since 2014 alongside his role as president of Unification Media Group. He is an advisor to the Korea Hana Foundation

The Korea Hana Foundation(KHF) is a non-profit public organization established by Ministry of Unification in 2010.

The Ministry of Unification (Korean: 통일부; Hanja: 統一部) is an executive department of the South Korean government

So the source for this story is another story citing "anonymous sources", and that original story is from a US-South Korea joint propaganda project?


There's a reason Israel would rather kill their own people than let them be taken hostage and then don't care to rescue them after they've been taken.

Stories like this completely destroy their dehumanization narratives.

If she was a standard blonde white woman , it wouldn't have gotten as far as it did to begin with.

There is a long, LONG, history of masculinizing women of colour, yes, it's absolutely rooted in racism as well as transphobia.

"why don't leftists just cooperate with liberals and try to guide them left"

Well, this is why, most liberals (within power, it's the opposite in the populace) aren't "good hearted but misinformed and able to be moved left". It has been tried countless times and all that ever happens is they betray the left and try to push their right wing agendas.

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That's certainly one way to describe the speech which she stated she will

"ensure America always has the strongest, most lethal fighting force in the world.",

and that she

"will never hesitate to take whatever action is necessary to defend our forces and our interests [Israel] against Iran and Iran-backed terrorists."

While stating she

"will always stand up for Israel’s right to defend itself and I will always ensure Israel has the ability to defend itself. Because the people of Israel must never again face the horror that the terrorist organization Hamas caused on October 7th. "

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So immediately start up multiple encampments and make sure to wear a mask (and other precautions) to hide your identity?

Because they aren't leftists who just go to the right to win, they are right wingers to the core.

Their real enemy is leftists, they would rather the right wing than the left, just look at Frances liberals betraying the left right now.

This is important because not everyone has died and when this is over they will need a place to return to live (inshallah). If there are no homes, schools, or hospitals in Gaza...what are gazans to do? (Infrastructure is important, even though yes obviously a building is far less important than even a single life)


You can't convince yesterday's colonizer that today's colonizer is wrong.

That's really stupid...

I don't think so. While yes, his die hard supporters would love this. Undecided voters wouldn't, especially if he couldn't restrain himself and started pulling out anti-black/anti-woman rhetoric.

I can't believe it's not trump wanting the mics to stay on

I can. Because he's scared of the pressure it would put on him to find a balance between playing his insane base and trying to win over non-insane people so he can win.

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This is almost perfect for me, but I have anxiety along with ADHD and there should be conflicting orders like

"Make more eye contact" and "Stop staring at their face weirdo"

Why would they take the offer then return home.

Russian internal politics is a heaven for MAGA types.

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Free speech? That's Hamas.

The issue isn't that the left did cooperate with liberals to prevent fascism.

Correct. The issue is that the liberals aren't cooperating with the left to prevent fascism. They're just trying to use facsism as a tool against the left, as always.

they probably understood and are prepared for this scenario

I certainly hope so.

We just call it the news when we do it to ourselves.

I don't understand this narrative. If Hamas was as dismissive of the well being of the hostages as Israel is, there would have been no hostages left after a week.

Hamas wants to keep the hostages alive and reasonably well so they can use them to trade for the Palestinians being held hostage and (we know) are being tortured by Israel and hopefully stop the Israeli aggression atleast temporarily.

They wouldn't have taken them just to ignore and/or kill them for no reason.

The first generation of wealth only shows that they know how to make money / are willing to do what it takes to make money and are extremely lucky. It has nothing to do about any sort of widespread intelligence to begin with.

Wealth, though often portrayed as such, doesn't have any correlation with being a good or intelligent person (just like a lack of wealth doesn't indicate the opposite)

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Hamas already agreed to the cease fire. Hamas is refusing to negotiate the already agreed cease fire proposed by the US.

Today's Democrats are yesterday's Republicans, that's always been the purpose of the party.

Ratchet effect.

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Does he try at all?

Could they confirm that she had all her organs?...

They're stealing his flow bar for bar, I'd be mad too.

So because they are better at capitalism you cry foul?

Yes, that's how it works for the imperial core, if you aren't winning just change the rules.

I was going to buy one of these now it's not worth it.

Unfortunately this is exactly what they want to happen. Force people to buy something else by artificially inflating the price of Chinese vehicles, hurting their own people.

Almost like the system who's logic you are using is flawed...

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Musk has literally said he wanted to change twitter to be like the US law on free speech so Musk made it relevant to his private entity.

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The slope isn't always slippery.

These gentlemen think that when they have changed the names of things they have changed the things themselves. This is how these profound thinkers mock at the whole world.

Engels "on authority"

Who's voting for Trump? I haven't met anyone on the left who is voting for Trump because of Palestine.

Any who are, idk, perhaps they are accelerationists who believe that by bringing contradictions to the forefront faster theyll be resolved faster.

Example: the slow genocide is carrying on without anyone stepping in. Maybe they hope Trump's idea for a faster genocide will draw a reaction from other countries.

I'm not one of these people though and know none though so I can only speculate.

This doesn't even count their unfairly extracted labour value.

They don't actually care. Trump banned bump-stocks and they didn't care. As long as they feel like the leader is on their side, policy doesn't matter.

I always ponder my orbs while flying

Wagner group doesn't exist in Russia after their failed coup...

Imo: You have to not run away from the terms whenever possible, if not even communists will say they support communism it lends credence to the idea that communism is inherently dirty and not to be associated with.

If you talk to 100 people and half agree with the principles but all leave still hating communism blindly, thats much less effective than if half agree with the principles but deny it thanks to cognitive dissonance and 1 person realizes communism might not be so bad.

Then perhaps when 2/100 of those people are communists instead of 1/100, maybe a 3rd would be willing to listen, so on.

1 commie, teach 2 commies, teach 3 commies, teach 4 commies, teach more commies.

Obviously I'm not saying to lead with a eulogy on Stalin or anything, but it should be a balance between drawing them in and not treating communism like a bad thing.

No. The ROC has no more of a claim to be Chinas rightful ruler than the PRC does, except the PRC won the mainland.

Sure the KMT led by Sun Yat-sen overthrew the Monarchy, through revolution under a united nationalist front and formed the ROC.

But you can't ignore the decades after, during which a civil war and literally WW2 happened (which stopped the civil war).

During this time the KMT turned radically to the right under the leadership of Chiang Kai-Shek which led to a massive rift within China.

The CPC grew massively during the war and many of the left wing of the KMT sided with them.

The CPC carried out their own revolution against the current KMT and took control of the entire mainland while the KMT held only Taiwan (and carried out a little ethnic cleansing see: white terror).

The CPC then formed the official government of the PRC and was internationally recognized as the ruler of China, while the ROC continued to hold it's islands and claim rightful ruler over the mainland launching multiple attacks, by this time it was over, even the United States who had strongly supported the KMT over the CPC had no choice but to declare the PRC the rightful ruler of China.

So the KMT has a claim to rule all of China in the same sense that a Qing descendant would. They uses to rule sure, but they lost the revolution and their still existing doesn't grant them any power or recognition.

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Why did Hamas take hostages on oct-7?

Answer: To trade for the thousands of Palestinians already held hostage by Israel.

How did Israel have thousands of hostages already if Hamas was the first to take hostages on oct-7?

Answer: that's just objectively not true.

How much would a judge risking his career and lifelong work as a judge demand vs how much would a couple jurers each trial demand (and how many different trials are you needing to bribe for anyway)? I don't think it would be cheaper at all, easier would be the same.

Turns out when you refuse to make progress you get left behind...

And this totally won't normalize these sort of right wing policies when even the "left wing" Democratic party is a right wing nationalist...

What's that saying about itchy liberals and bloody facsists?