Is this thing on? Harris and Trump battle over hot mics at debate.

blorbo [he/him] to politics – 123 points –

Negotiations over the Sept. 10 spectacle have hit an impasse over whether to leave the microphones on.


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That's really stupid...

I don't think so. While yes, his die hard supporters would love this. Undecided voters wouldn't, especially if he couldn't restrain himself and started pulling out anti-black/anti-woman rhetoric.

I can't believe it's not trump wanting the mics to stay on

I can. Because he's scared of the pressure it would put on him to find a balance between playing his insane base and trying to win over non-insane people so he can win.

You're giving trump credit for a lot more self awareness than I do then...

I don't think trump is capable of understanding he's better off not talking.

And to me this is just bringing back bad memories of when Hillary was rooting for trump because she thought he would be the only one she could beat in the general.

Stop overestimating what Americans will vote for.

Leave him on mute so Harris' turns can be about talking how she'll help Americans, and then trump can rant and rave.

You want to get "undecideds" to pick Harris? Show them the obvious differences, not have them scream over and constantly interrupt each other.

I think she figures if he’s muted, she’ll do better. If he’s not, she can handle him. By taunting his planning and making him seem cowardly, she popping his ego and he’s unhinged already.

I think the play is not the debate itself, but the constant taunts.

I'm with you completely. Trump was shouting over Hillary constantly in those debates and "making a fool out of himself", and in the end those debates were at best a tie but most likely a Trump win.

You can cite her courtroom experience all you want but I don't think Harris beats Trump in a shouting match, so letting him interrupt her at will is absolutely a disadvantage.


Let trump ramble his nonsense, and Harris can just say:

That's nonsense, now let me talk about how I'm gonna help Americans.

For someone like trump, being dismissed like that is the absolute worse thing. Everytime they let him talk he'd get more and more unhinged, and Kamala could just stay calm and stay on message. Hell, she could even throw in a couple "you need to calm down" or "why are you yelling", that shit that sounds like you're de-escalating but everyone knows it's just gonna wind the other person up more.

If there's open mics, trump will constantly jump in and all Kamala will get to is:

That's nonsense

And they'll just go back and forth.

It's exactly what trump voters want to see, and it's probably trump's favorite way to spend an evening.