16GB of RAM Could Be the New Minimum in Apple's Upcoming M4 Macs

nave@lemmy.ca to Technology@lemmy.world – 327 points –
16GB of RAM Could Be the New Minimum in Apple's Upcoming M4 Macs

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You should have said "sure buddy" and ignored them.

The problem is they will then keep spreading misinformation.

And that's your problem? Do you hold $AAPL

Apple helped spread that misinformation. So why would I hold some of their stock if I am trying to counter it?

No, I want companies to stop spreading this bullshit and for people to stop falling for it. I don't hold any stocks at all. In fact that kind of bullshit I am fairly against.

...or $SPY, or $QQQ, or...

What even are those?

They're just popular ETFs which contain a lot of $AAPL. I was just commenting that even if someone doesn't explicitly hold any $AAPL, if they own ETFs/mutual funds, they are likely exposed to $AAPL.

Doesn't apply to you though since you said you don't own any stock :)

Obviously it depends on the situation but sometimes it is worth talking to idiots not because you have any chance of changing their mind but just demonstrate to everyone else in the thread that they are in fact an idiot. Just in case somebody thinks they have a point.