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Joined 2 months ago

Hi, I'm new here. Because of the bullshit with Reddit. Greetings fellow Lemmy people.

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If there is a fault in the PS2 device it literally breaks the rest of the computer.

A little more than 15 years ago I had to fix my PS2 keyboard because it crashed everything. Not even a BSOD, just colors.

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Many services have a grace period. Mostly it's 30-90 days where they keep your data, just in case somebody else decided to delete your account or you were drunk or something. But it could also be for legal reasons, like websites where you can post stuff for everybody to see, in case you post something highly illegal and the authorities need to find you. Another example is where a webshop is required to keep a copy of your data for their bookkeeping.

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It's legal in my country and there's far less trouble than if it would be illegal. The ones that work under an employer get the same worker protections as other industries. Public prostitution is kept in a few areas that got permits and escort services can be found online without any shady business. Doctors can continuously test them for STDs without having to report them, keeping them and their customers safe. And this whole ordeal isn't even something "the common people" find weird or anything, it's just something a few people make use of. So I really do not understand why it would ever be illegal.

It seems some people think they have the right choose what another adult can do with their own body.

I'm also pro drugs btw, as long as all other laws and common decency is respected.

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It means the maintainers have frozen their thongs.

America being the worldwide laughingstock when it comes to politics has lost it's charm. The last few years Idiocracy has become the better alternative.

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ALL conversations are logged and can be used however they want.

I'm almost certain this "detector" is a simple lookup in their database.

I'm European, but I think this goes against the First Amendment of the American Constitution:

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.

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I hate it when these articles never include the video. How am I supposed to learn about manipulation if I'm "being protected against it"?

"I'm JD Vance I'm running for vice president"

I'm sure in EVERY conversation he says that line.

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Keep in mind that American elections are coming up and Americans think the internet is only about them. So we're not only being dragged into this by disinformation campaigns.

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It should actually be made more private.

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Imagine if Trump said that this is not acceptable... But guess who keeps his mouth shut instead.

15 years ago I did a school paper on the pros of psychoactive drugs, including a presentation in front of my class.

Nowadays I'd have to make a public YouTube video to stop the hate I'd receive. Or at least get kicked out of class.

Nobody really cared about stuff that wasn't affecting them.

When your children start ordering packages, don't open them and you'll never have to worry about this.

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Don't forget that ads used to be context aware instead of user aware. Which was perfect for privacy.

I read that this attack isn't meant to keep the territory occupied and is more of wake up call for the Russians.

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The best thing to have is a variable tax rate that goes up the more profit is made.

That's how it is in my country.

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llama3.1 (8B) by Facebook:

>>> what does the I in LLM stand for?
In the context of natural language processing (NLP) and artificial 
intelligence, "LLM" typically stands for **L**arge **L**anguage **M**odel.

A Large Language Model is a type of machine learning model that has been 
trained on large datasets to understand and generate human-like language. 
These models are often used in applications such as text classification, 
sentiment analysis, question answering, and even chatbots like myself!

I'm glad you asked!
>>> but the I !!!!
In the specific case of an LLM being a Large **L**anguage **M**odel, the 
"LL" part doesn't explicitly mention the letter "I".

However, in the context of AI and ML models, there are other types of 
models that do involve the letter "I", such as:

* ILM: Image Language Model (combining computer vision with natural 
language processing)
* IMLM: Interpretable Machine Learning Model
* MLM: Masked Language Model (a specific type of LLM)

And then there's also...

* DALL-E, but that's a different story!

But in the case of the original LLM, it typically stands for Large 
**L**anguage **M**odel.

Laughs in Librewolf

Privatized hospitals...

Odysee just removed all ads of their platform and seems like a great YouTube alternative. I've been using it and uploading videos to it and I'm liking it a lot.

The comments are also much higher in quality. I'd say it's comparable like Lemmy and Reddit. Much more positivity and people who actually add something to a video. You do ofcourse have a few Nazis hanging around, but freedom goes both ways and you don't really come across them.

Besides that just use NewPipe on mobile or an AdBlocker.

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God you're evil.

How can I do it?

300 euro's worth of cocaine that I smoked in a day.

I'm not proud of it, and I don't often smoke it, but it was a fun day.

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No. It was when I was younger and I smacked the keyboard at some point. The whole computer crashed with random pixels all over the screen. I tried rebooting many times. I came to the conclusion the cable inside of the keyboard must have been slightly disconnected and pushed it further back into it, and my PC worked again.

Computers are really resilient to permanent damage to be honest. I once dropped a screw into a running computer and it short-circuited with sparks and all. I was still able to boot it, but it was extremely slow. After a few reboots it was back to normal.

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I've been doing my best, but we need to be investing money as a society into it.

"I am an alpha I can do whatever the fuck I want."

Until he becomes a trophyhole for the inmates in Romania.

You should have said "sure buddy" and ignored them.

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That's pretty gay.

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Create a problem and claim yourself to be the best solution. "Drugs are bad. Give us more power to combat it!"

Point the finger at 5 immigrants every day and ask the power over 300 million people to fix it.

I am the admin of a website where we have a place where our users can post custom content and rate the content of others.

We have discussed how it works and should work many times and came to the conclusion that we'd never want it to be public. Any report of abuse will be checked by the website owner directly in the database and even admins don't have full access. Everybody tries to stay as far away from the personal ratings as possible.

We also noticed that it would be a lot more fragile when there are not many voters. A whole group that is negative about something wouldn't get as much harassment as a single person having a unique opinion.

On our website we have a comment section that isn't anonymous, and we even noticed that people often don't post something negative when it would be obvious that they are the only one who has voted/rated something. ("Negative" is almost always constructive in our case)

These are just a few things that I think add to this discussion.

Netflix and their DRM is so extremely stupid it's incomprehensible. It only hurts normal users while the rippers have no issues getting the content.

As a European I've been looking at America in disbelief, not understanding why Sanders wasn't the most obvious choice all along.

Consider Edge you edgy man.

You mean mDNS/Zeroconf are using a tld that was already being used.

The creator(s) did not give direct advise. Probably so they have the time to slowly get people to switch instead of instantly getting shut down by Google.

But people that are going to be using the lite version will definitely get bombarded by Google/Youtube ads very soon and will make the change regardless.

To be honest, I've been using the website and I notice nothing of this. I can click a few links and get to said content, yes, but my feed and some of the categories I check are on par with YouTube. The only big difference I experience is that there's much more content of smaller content creators.

  • 23 federal counts
  • 2 year minimum
  • 6 to 8 years

Seems like they are already going light on him.

Morals aside, this wouldn't work from a business perspective.

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I've been enjoying Odysee a lot. It doesn't have much content but it works great. Hopefully content creators start uploading there as well.