Donut Shop Worker Refuses to Be on Camera with JD Vance During Campaign Stop to politics – 859 points –
Donut Shop Worker Refuses to Be on Camera with JD Vance During Campaign Stop

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"I'm JD Vance I'm running for vice president"

I'm sure in EVERY conversation he says that line.

I love how the employee says "okay". Though a better response would have been a sigh and then a very underwhelming "I know".

That was my favorite part.

Another alternative I'll never forget, delivered by my BA co-worker before business hours after someone waltzed in:

RudePerson: "Hi, I'm the owner of the complex across the street, a-

Joe cool: congratulations!

This got me. Running against who? lmao "I'm the Republican VP" saying he's "running for VP" makes it sound like there's a field of candidates.

Her asking to not be shown shows Vances team didn't set this photoshoot up properly. Like if you had called ahead you would have gotten the people who were (more likely to be) all smiles and wanted to be on camera and had engaged the conversation to look good for an op. Instead like most of these shit heels they just show up in the fucking store with 30 fucking people unannounced, and order untold amounts of food the put the drive through and other in-house orders into lockup for an hour so we can finish this one $185 order because shitfuck in charge couldn't be bothered to call ahead and say "hey we're bringing a bunch of people - like 15-20. We'll be there in 10 minutes, also we're doing a public outreach recording if you have a policy around which staff you want present for that"

But no they just walk in, make conversation holding up lines and get staff who don't want to be on camera answering their order.

They might be worried that that would risk him having to face someone who is really prepared to confront him.

Her asking to not be shown shows Vances team didn't set this photoshoot up properly.

And yet they still released the video!

It was all salvageable up to that point, then it became a catastrophe.