Recommended Android Box? (Unlocked bootloader) to – 26 points –

Hi all,

I've been messing around with some old firesticks and really want root to remove all this bs

What do you think about buying some cheap android box and flashing lineage?

Any things I should look out for? My only hard requirement is custom ROMs

Thanks in advance


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Honestly I'd start looking for ssf/tiny PCs being sold off by local businesses. I'd be putting some sort of Linux distro on it. I've been meaning to check out a few projects like KDE Big Screen and others. Unless there is some sort of killer Android app you can't live without.

thanks for the fast response

What is the reasoning behind this suggestion? im ok with that but its not really the same thing to normal people (theyre using built in smarttv ad hellscape atm)

Are you suggesting that because price or because what I'm asking about doesn't exist the way I'm imagining?

You can still install android on them, BlissOs is a rom for x86 devices. Intel and amd gpu hw acceleration works ootb: If you just need for media consumption they are good, some apps don't work as they only support arm cpus.

The reason is choice and support. On an arm android device you have to wait for the manufacturer for updates or to publish source, so someone can support the device for you. With x86 it's just a normal, standard pc, you can do whatever you want.

alright i see. i acyually just set up waydroid so i see what you mean

tbanks for the info

Unfortunately Linux is often relegated to 720p streams

OP did not specify what services they were using. I assumed if they were interested in tinkering with this sort of thing, they probably host something like Plex or jellyfin.