'Thanks to Citizens United': 50 Megadonors Have Put Over $1.5 Billion Into 2024 Election

jeffw@lemmy.world to politics @lemmy.world – 476 points –
'Thanks to Citizens United': 50 Megadonors Have Put Over $1.5 Billion Into 2024 Election | Common Dreams

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It's funny people believe before citizens united that money didnt run politics. America is an oligarchy ,has been my entire life, and always will be. It's not a bad system if you learn about it. Lots of opportunities if you are willing.

The entire point of the law they struck down was to take money out of politics. Yes we know money has been a problem.

America is an oligarchy ,has been my entire life, and always will be.

Are you over 200 years old? government used to break up monopolies. citizens united probably wasn't the beginning but it sure did streamline the corruption and legalize the purchase of politicians. Anyways, normalizing apathy probably isn't going to help the situation.