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Sure they are. Whatever you need to tell yourself.

We are left with the same two parties that declare "this time we are really going to help the people" and two armies of morons convinced their person is really going to do it! It is literally the same BS every election cycle.

This is the system those people fight to maintain. So grateful I wasn't born there.

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America trained their military for 20yrs and gave them billions in military equipment to be able to fight for themselves. They literally laid down and surrendered after a couple weeks.

She was elected not appointed. No nepotism here just democracy.

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He really loves dogs. Adam should be put to sleep.

At least they didn't "fall out the window."

Look more into a dolphin-plasty.

I can remember when Bill Gates would travel around and pitch how influential and transformative the internet could be and people would literally laugh in his face.

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Keep your distance?


I would guess the people that wanted to vote for him?

I remember when Gates went on David Letterman to announce a baseball game was going to be broadcast over the internet for the first time and Letterman mocked him for several minutes. In the beginning the internet was straight garbage.

There is a huge difference in "exploiting his position" and being financially illiterate.

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When i started learning about investing i lived in a crackhouse and am descended from a long line of poor white trash. Some people create results and others create excuses. Which are you going to be?

85% of millionaires are self made, received no inheritance, average age 50ish, and accomplished this feat by investing over 25-30 years in blue chip companies. It's basic financial literacy.

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Who cares what Kerry Kennedy thinks?

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It's a public event. The occurrence was blasted by the DNC. The son is open to praise or criticism just like anyone else. The rules didn't change just because he is the potential VP's son. Either you believe in equal treatment or preferential treatment?

How exactly is the tweet racist?

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What are Harris's economic policies? What is her plan to fight inflation, increase manufacturing, and stimulate future US growth? I've looked and can't find any actual proposals or plans.

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It's odd to place the emphasis on your crying male child and then be appalled there is an emphasis on your crying male child.

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Bernie is literally saying Harris will say anything to win. Just like every other politician, how insightful.

Nice that there is one candidate that does interviews.

It's funny people believe before citizens united that money didnt run politics. America is an oligarchy ,has been my entire life, and always will be. It's not a bad system if you learn about it. Lots of opportunities if you are willing.

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Maybe not the best idea to put people in charge that are obviously bad with money.

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Both assassins donated to progressive causes. They were not republicans. The second guy they caught on the golf course with a scoped rifle poking through the bushes. Idk how that "didn't happen?" Next you will be saying it was Trump who staged these events himself. You are deep in the propaganda. Good luck to you

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Thin line between opinion, free speech, and a lie. I do not want to follow the example being set in Europe. This is the road that leads to authoritarian rule. Who defines truth, hate speech, and opinion. When the other side wins an election are you now the criminal? Will different truths exist in red and blue states? City and rural? No thank you.

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Pot calling kettle black, sir.

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Democrats are extremely calm about the fact their followers have attempted to assassinate their main political opponent twice this election cycle. Is murdering your political opponents "protecting democracy?" The only reason to kill your political opponent in a democracy during an election is if you believe they will win the election. Sad state of the country.

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Is there any evidence or at this point are there only accusations?

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It's ridiculous to blame Trump for the lack of a ceasefire between Palestine and Israel. Why not just blame Trump for the war in Ukraine as well or the stolen election in Venezuela.

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