Man Arrested for Creating Child Porn Using AI to – 362 points –
Man Arrested for Creating Child Porn Using AI

A Florida man is facing 20 counts of obscenity for allegedly creating and distributing AI-generated child pornography, highlighting the danger and ubiquity of generative AI being used for nefarious reasons.

Phillip Michael McCorkle was arrested last week while he was working at a movie theater in Vero Beach, Florida, according to TV station CBS 12 News. A crew from the TV station captured the arrest, which made for dramatic video footage due to law enforcement leading away the uniform-wearing McCorkle from the theater in handcuffs.


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We get it. You love kiddie porn.


Ok dude, you're projecting your inability to deal with your pedophilia so hard you have to come back a day later just to keep it up

I’m not the one who’s been defending kiddie porn for several days.

“I know you are but what am I?” Is a defense kids use— like the ones in those kiddie porn you love so much.