How can I get YouTube to not offer rage-inducing stuff? to Ask – 138 points –

Currently in the US elections are featured in my YouTube feed, and not factual content but rage inducing.

How can I filter that?


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I like the idea. Can you elaborate, please? Did you stop, or did you never start? Do you use something else instead? How do you wind down or get a quick laugh?

so, i just stopped going directly to youtube and switched to doomscrolling a meme-excessive feed [for humor]. youtube still pops up in fediverse feeds, and i will watch some things from there, but i'm not going directly to the domain.

ive never really appreciated video on the web. i prefer to stream locally. the few youtube videos i want (usually obscure vhs copies of old shit), i have my kid download into out media center.

I get what you’re saying. I make it a habit to always have a laugh before bed regardless of how my day went. For a while it was Seinfeld reruns. Now I’ll watch After Midnight or some other sitcom rerun. But the main thing I do is not use my phone exclusively for entertainment during the last few hours believe bed.