2 Post – 18 Comments
Joined 2 months ago

i am wise.

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I think more a combination of Iroh and Willy wonka.

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I like both! What do you think is the main difference in their wisdom, and what do they have in common?

It is a known personality issue.

It is called avoidant personality disorder (AVPD) or schizoid personality disorder (SPD). Both of these conditions can lead to feelings of loneliness due to inner walls and barriers that the person builds to protect themselves from perceived threats or emotional pain.

i forgot about disliking videos and channels! That might fix my problem right away. THank you

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I like the idea. Can you elaborate, please? Did you stop, or did you never start? Do you use something else instead? How do you wind down or get a quick laugh?

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Example: Thumbnail with Trump and some other guy i dont know, big caption: "OH MY GOD!" Video title: "Trump Released the MOST EMBARRASSING Video EVER & You HAVE to Watch it! | Bulkwark Takes"

I assume it is designed to induce rage.

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Ohhh, its back up!

For me, it does not induce rage but depression because it makes me sad. I don't even need to watch it.

Not familiar with Easer (will have to check it out, though), but can it make an HTTP(S) call natively?

Yes, it can. I plan to use that feature to access the plugs web interface.

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Can you please explain an example workflow?

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Yes, it should. I hope someone has already implemented this setup and can confirme that it works as we think it does.

Thanks for the exhaustive explanation. You don't use it on mobile, I guess. 😎

I agree; that is a good solution for a rooted device. I use it on a lineageOS tablet.

I want an alternative that offers streams, too. Any suggestions?

I check the economist if i want to check wild rumors. The humor is great and subtle. It is on the conservative side thought.

Sweet summer child, I wish you will never need to experience true culture shock.

Is this Pic you, how you reject the premise?