Advertising revenue in Twitter crashes by 50% to – 2394 points –

nuff said


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Remember the 50% number is just what he was comfortable with publishing to the public

We have no reason to believe his public statistics

100% of the ads I see on Twitter today are dropshipping scams, while in the pre-musk era they were highly targeted to my job and interests to the point that if there wasn't the "ad" tag I couldn't distinguish that.

They can't cost the same for the advertiser, a generic dropshipping scam that targets everyone must be cheap

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Why would he tweet about his losses in the first place? I applaud his openness (/s) but I doubt any investors or advertisers will come running to a dying social networking.

He thinks it gives him an excuse to escalate his erratic decision-making.

I think it's either better than 50, or he expects it to be better shortly so when he says it's 40, he can celebrate how good he did for the +10.

If your losses are at 80% and you tell everyone they’re at 50% you can try to spin the story in your favor.

The ~ has an error of +/- 50 percentage points.

What does he has to gain in lying anyway? It’s not like he cares about what investors think since Twitter is now a private company owned by him.

He’s a pathological liar. He doesn’t gain anything from it

You’re painting him like he’s a super villain, that’s pure hate for him. Why?

Has Elon musk done a lot recently to earn your trust and support?

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